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The bulk of demon hunters were already experienced soldiers, offering the new Illidari years of accumulated expertise and knowledge

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The bulk of demon hunters were already experienced soldiers, offering the new Illidari years of accumulated expertise and knowledge. They came with varied and specialised styles of fighting. Their demonic abilities, however, needed to be nurtured, but at the same time, the Illidari had to learn to keep their inner demons under control.

Tiene flourished. Her established skills as an exceptional rogue and her new demonic traits gelled perfectly.

She embraced the tactics she and Camnath had developed and used them to full effect when she fought alongside her fellow Illidari. As always, her husband kept her focused.

She was not opposed to giving credit to her years spent with the Crimson Blades also. No-one who knew him could deny her Guild Master had been a monster in so many ways, but Sauren had certainly trained Tiene well. Even his advice telling her when to rein in her abilities lest they lead others to a fatal error was invaluable.

And Louvel's input stayed with her also. She incorporated the Shado-Pan moves into her new demonic fighting technique.

She found herself growing stronger, faster and fiercer as each day passed. As a demon hunter, Tiene had a supreme level of mobility. She could jump inordinately high and lift off to full flight. Debilitating eye beams cut through her enemies like the keenest of honed blades.

Tiene's vitality was replenished by consuming fragments of demons' souls; an invaluable source of sustenance which fed her inner beast, the felhunter, thus making her invincible.

Reports of Tiene's feats on the battlefield soon reached the Lord of Outland's ears. Her sharp intuition, focus and precise tactics had proved time and again to be pivotal in the successful and timeous slaughter of countless demons.

She found herself rapidly earning more respect with increasing numbers of demon hunters waiting to hear her orders. She never lost sight of who the ultimate leader was, however, and this, too, was rewarded. She was given the rank of Lieutenant, and she stood side by side with Arcaena and a fellow Sin'dorei, Kayn Sunfury.

Time, however, was running out for the Lord of Outland. His governing the Black Temple was refuted by many, none more so than the Elder of the Broken, Akama. He was angered for Illidan had not relinquished the Temple to his holy order as promised. In the process, many of Akama's people perished, and the Broken proclaimed Illidan as a liar and evil-doer.

Tiene recalled Akoth's warning - "Know your friends from your enemies." She wished she had been more observant in this case, but it seemed Illidan was not without his suspicions about the Elder. Yet, he still trusted divisions of the Ashtongue - the demon hunter was thorough and weeded out those who were duplicitous.

Humans, dwarves, elves, along with draenei and those of Horde affiliation were battling their way to the Temple and it's Lord.

"Look at them," Illidan said, surveying the encroaching army from his viewpoint at the Temple's zenith. "They do not realise they aim to destroy the only chance they have of salvation."

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