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Dedicated to @Finfychan. My heart is with Louvel and Fyn, thank you. This is where they come into their own and I humbly pass them back to you my friend 

Music: Dark Grounds composed by Adrian von Ziegler

Tiene woke to a living nightmare. Screams were heard over the Crimson Blades walls, followed by some of the most inhumane sounds to ever reach the ears of living souls.

Death was sweeping through the city. The people were in a panic.

Some senior students under the direction of Don, one of Sauren's henchmen, had closed the portcullis to the guild grounds, barricading the entrance further with carts, bales of hay, barrels, whatever they could find.

Brett gathered everyone else into the halls; it was a lock-down with the large wooden doors barred.

Tiene stood at the secured exit with Brett. "This isn't right, what good are we in here?" she whispered. "And where is Sauren? He should be here helping."

"I don't know where he is Tiene, and that's the truth. Just before dawn he came and let me know Don, with some of the seniors, were going to be trying a new exercise in defending the grounds and said we were to follow their instructions. He does things like this regularly, as you know. Sauren then left and I didn't think anything was out of the ordinary."

"An exercise? Do you think this is all about an exercise now, Brett? Listen to the noise coming from the city! We should be out there fighting and helping the people!"

"I hear what you're saying Tiene, and yes, I agree. But, the young ones cannot fight what is out there; they are only starting their training. Even the ones in their second and third year are not equipped for this. Don has ordered we keep them in here for their safety."

It was a valid point, granted, but it still did not explain the whereabouts of their leader nor that so many powerful fighters were locked inside. There were enough seniors, trainers and officials in the halls to make a difference to whatever was going on in the city.

Tiene paced back and forth, deep in thought. Why was Brett taking orders from Don suddenly? Turning to to the older rogue again, she whispered. "Let me out of here, now."

"What? No chance Tiene. Have you heard what's going on out there? Don has ordered me to keep you all safe. Particularly you, I hasten to add." There it was again! Don ordered.

"Brett! Is this how Sa'themar would have wanted it? He spent his life training rogues to be fighters, not to hide away in fear. And what is this with Don giving out the orders now? You are second in command!"

Brett's face flushed. 

Tiene's heart sank - she had hit a raw nerve, it seemed. "He's demoted you, hasn't he?" she said, irritated.

Brett nodded his head. "I knew it was coming, Tiene. I was never really his choice for the post. Sauren only tolerated me because I was Sa'themar's right hand. I think he keeps me around now out of some sentimental obligation to his father."

"So Don is second in command now?"


Tiene grunted, annoyed she had not noticed this coming. Over time, Brett's involvement with specific guild issues and procedures had lessened. He was too proud to say anything, though. Nevertheless, she was just glad Brett was still around for her. "I'm sorry," she said, looking at him sideways.

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