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Dedicated to EA Carter, whose eloquence and kind words have been such inspiration

Morning and Tiene woke to find the guild grounds unnaturally quiet

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Morning and Tiene woke to find the guild grounds unnaturally quiet. She dragged herself out of bed and went through to her wash closet to freshen up then dressed in simple travelling attire and packed a bag with her armour and some extra blades. She was leaving, going home.

The journey to Quel'thalas would be an arduous one - she would need to acquire transportation for most of the way, as the guild's mages were otherwise engaged. Perhaps she would enjoy a gryphon ride again - it had been a while since she'd soared through the skies. Firstly, however, she decided to have breakfast.

As she stepped outside her room, she looked across the hall to Sauren's door. She still felt an inexplicable loss from his death, but she also knew she had gained freedom - although it would take some considerable time for her to see it that way. With a heavy heart nonetheless, she turned and descended the stairs.

One thing she was glad about - there were no more horrible sounds of the dead and dying from the city. All seemed quiet, almost peaceful. The only sounds now belonged to trundling carts pulled by horses, and the solemn voices of those who had come to help clear the mess from the massacre. Black smoke billowed and roiled along the skyline from pyres further into the city - the cremating of corpses, which no doubt would last for days.

Brett had confirmed late last night that the scourge appeared to have moved on; north, no doubt. This supposition worried Tiene, but he had assured her a number of the Crimson Blades, along with other guilds and soldiers from far and wide had moved out to help fight the army of undead. Numbers of mentors and active agents within the complex, therefore, could be limited for a while. The recruits' training would also need rescheduling.

The dining hall doors were closed - that was odd for this time of day. But after what had happened, Tiene guessed nothing would be normal for a long time to come. With a grunt, she pushed open the door.

She staggered back as an amplitude of applause greeted her. Stunned by the number of people inside, Tiene seemed lost as to what she should do. Various guilds and their representatives stood in the hall, cheering and clapping. She felt confused. Nothing she had done accredited such a response. Brett came forward and guided her to the top table.

Everyone gradually quietened and settled into their seats at the other tables. Tiene noticed the abundance of food - the cooks had been busy.

Brett remained standing beside Tiene. He cleared his throat, and all eyes rested upon him.

"I am not good at speeches, so you will all be relieved to hear I do not plan on being up here for long."

A ripple of laughter reverberated around the hall. Brett took another deep breath. "Today we wake to find Capital City in ruins. The loss of innocent life has been truly traumatic and fills us all with deep and profound sorrow. It is a time for grieving and a time for healing."

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