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Yathas was already awake, ready for the day ahead

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Yathas was already awake, ready for the day ahead. He was always an early riser. Typically, mornings were spent negotiating prices for the hides and furs brought in from traders. He had a reputation as a fair dealer, and his shop always attracted a lot of business.

Once trading was complete, his tanners would get to work on the hides, putting them through a thorough and timely process before the skins could become saleable goods. His leather workers made items from bags to hats, armour to saddles, according to designs created by Yathas himself.

His creations were sought widely throughout Quel'thalas, and he had, in past months, even secured trade further south in Hinterlands and Alterac Valley. The war had certainly helped Yathas to broaden his customer base, and more business was always welcome in his eyes.

This particular morning, however, he wanted Tiene to accompany him to his premises. He had been working on some unique armour for her. A fitting was necessary before it he could finish it with the piping.

His shop was in The Bazaar, and it would take them a good fifteen minutes walk, especially as he had some banking to do en route. Tiene was looking forward to her new armour. Her father was an exceptionally gifted man in the trade. So, she waited for her father to collect his various patterns and bills before they left for his work.

Meanwhile, Inaris chirruped a good morning as he readied himself for his studies in The Sanctum. Still sporting the black eye, which the aggrieved weaponsmith awarded him the week before, it was now a yellow-blueish colour and Inaris was back to his usual charming self.

Tiene could not help but smile at her brother's errant ways, even though she knew he was often stepping where he should not. Then oddly enough, there were places specific individuals wished he would step, yet he had not. Cel, for example - Tiene's instructor.

As it happened, neither Nerisen nor Inaris had pursued the poor woman. Tiene knew Cel most definitely preferred Inaris; the instructor's comments about how fortunate Tiene was to have such a wonderful, charming, charismatic, witty, brother, were becoming a daily thing. Cel was bound to run out of adjectives for him one day - surely. It was becoming embarrassing really. Tiene could have sworn the woman had sighed when she noticed Inaris passing one day on his way to the Sanctum, then again, perhaps she just imagined it. But, there was no doubt, her brother did captivate the ladies.

Both brothers did actually, although Duthan did not go out of his way to chat up the ladies as Inaris did. He, it seemed, preferred women who were fighters, be it archers, warriors, hunters even paladins, and apart from those hunters within the Rangers, the others to his taste were not always readily available. Tiene only knew this as she had often overheard her brothers talking on the occasional nights they decided to have drinking sessions in the garden below her window. What else was she meant to do, but eavesdrop?

Granted, it was not all about their somewhat active love lives, but there was enough for her to pick up snippets. She did giggle when she heard some of the things the two of them discussed. Going by the context of their conversation, she deduced their general meaning.

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