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Over the following weeks, the network flooded with reports about the ongoing battle with the undead

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Over the following weeks, the network flooded with reports about the ongoing battle with the undead. Although it was spreading further afield, Lordaeron and the Western and Eastern Plaguelands - formerly Eastweald - remained the bastion of the Scourge. The Crimson Blades and Sigil of Shadows were kept busy, working alongside the Argent Dawn, a neutral faction whose only desire was to rid the world of the pestilence.

Other news, however, was also filtering through regarding the Prince of Quel'thalas. It appeared he had piqued the interest of Garithos, a bigoted Grand Marshal, who had a particular aversion to elves.

Word had reached the Grand Marshall of a pending Scourge attack near some arcane observatories, and he ordered Kael'thas to stand and defeat them. Unbeknown to the Prince, however, the hateful Garithos had withdrawn his forces leaving the elves to fight unassisted.

The bigot had not foreseen naga coming to the Prince's aid, however. These sea-dwelling creatures were former elves cursed as punishment for their Queen's betrayal thousands of years ago during the War of the Ancients. The Prince, with the combined efforts of the naga, succeeded in defeating the Scourge.

The Grand Marshal may not have achieved the death of the last elven royal in the battlefield as hoped, but he did the next best thing. Kael'thas and his people were incarcerated in Dalaran's dungeons for treason. Death was, after all, inevitable.

A communique from Lor'themar later arrived for Tiene. Her face paled as she read her brother's words.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Camnath asked.

Tiene looked between Camnath and Brett; disbelief etched upon her face. "Prince Kael'thas has escaped," she told them.

"Well – that's good. Isn't it?"

"Let me see," Brett said, taking the letter from Tiene, his eyes scanning the details.

"By the Light!" The Guild Master was equally troubled.

Camnath, frustrated at not knowing the situation, asked again what was happening.

"The naga rescued the Prince," Tiene explained. "They slipped him through a portal to Outland." Her eyes widened. "A portal created by none other than the resurrected Kel'Thuzad."

Camnath faltered. "No! The Prince is in league with him?"

"It would seem so." Tiene slumped, landing heavily on a chair.

Brett handed the letter to Camnath. The Guild Master paced in front of his desk, rubbing the back of his neck, wearied by the news. "What is this going to escalate into, I wonder?"

"It has already worsened." The three of them looked up. Thil'las stood, his face bearing an uncharacteristically turbulent expression.

"You've heard more?" Tiene asked the Night Elf.

Thil'las nodded, grim. "Yes. My cousin is a mage in what was Dalaran."

"What was Dalaran?" Tiene rose, instantly alarmed by Thil'las' implication.

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