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Sounds, like noises filtered underwater, reached her ears

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Sounds, like noises filtered underwater, reached her ears. Voices. Familiar voices. Tiene's eyes flickered open. The world was blurry, but she could make out two shapes close to her.

"Tiene! Can you hear me?"

She smiled although it felt like it took her an inordinately long time to do so. Inaris!

"She hears you. Just give her a moment or two." Her father's voice.

Her eyes finally focused, and she saw her brother and father beside her. She automatically tried to lift her right arm. Sharp pain reminded her she had fallen from a great height. She had been lucky, though, the safety net did break her fall. The ground, unfortunately, not so helpful, broke her arm and dislocated her shoulder. Her arm and shoulder were strapped up. Other than aches all down her right side, there seemed to be no further damage.

She scanned the room; it looked like the complex' infirmary, the one place she had hoped not to end up in, but here she was, injured. She knew there was one in the grounds, so it was safe to assume that's where she was.

"Baby sis, you had us worried," Inaris said, patting her left hand.

Her voice was a little slow and slurred. "You were worried? Think about how I felt when I saw the ground rushing up to meet me," she laughed but flinched at the pain it caused. "So, how are you here?"

"Sauren got word to us. We came as soon as we heard," her father replied. "I believe you were going to come home for a couple of days? I honestly feel you would be better resting here until you feel able to get up and about anyway."

"But, Camnath is going home, and Sauren arranged for..."

Inaris looked at her sorrowfully. "Change of plan I'm afraid Tiene. Camnath won't be able to make it; his father let us know. He is working on a few missions. "

Tiene, initially gutted for not seeing her beau, was then stunned by what Inaris had just told her. "Missions? So soon?"

"Aye, he is excelling at everything, way beyond what the other students are at his level. I don't think they are hugely important missions though, maybe more in line with field training just."

"Even so!" Tiene had a little flush of envy, but it was short-lived. "I knew he would be great."

"Oh, are you talking about me?" Sauren said in his gravelly voice. The Guild Master approached then stopped beside Tiene's bed as Yathas and Inaris turned to greet him. Tiene smiled up at Sauren.

"No, I was talking about..."

"Her sweetheart," Inaris laughed. Tiene playfully punched his arm.

Sauren's face remained impassive. "Oh, the boy from the wedding?"

"Camnath," Tiene reminded him. "He is on missions already."

"Ah. Well, so will you be, once that arm heals in a few weeks. And I will be your mission partner on some of them."

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