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Dedicated to RedExcalibur 

Dedicated to RedExcalibur 

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"Anar'alah belore!"* Yathas said as the numerous platters, bowls and baskets of food arrived in through his door. "Are you feeding an army, Lor'themar?"

The newly appointed Ranger Captain approached the wagon and dropped a bag of coins in the hand of the delivery boy who sat atop. The boy thanked Lor'themar and then flicked the reins to move out. The hawkstrider omitted a loud squawk and jolted forward. 

Turning to Yathas, Lor'themar smiled. "It is not that much Yathas, just enough for tonight and perhaps a few days. Your generosity over the years has been more than I can repay."

"You do not need to repay anything, it is always a pleasure to have you around." From the corner of his eye, Yathas caught sight of a pretentious individual heading towards them. Dar'khan. Unlike some, he thought.

The mage's signature wide-brimmed hat with pristine feather and billowing cloak bounced and whipped along as his confident gait drew him closer. His attire as always, extravagant in red and gold, made many a female head turn - along with the odd male one as well - but Yathas found it merely emphasised the elf's turgid ego. The head of the Firefury household rolled his eyes as the mage's overly-enthusiastic salutation announced his arrival. "Greetings!"

Yathas' mouth stretched in a tight smile. He reminded himself this was an evening celebrating Lor'themar's promotion and as such it was imperative he tried to hide his aversion to the mage; he was after all a friend of Lor'themar's and Yathas would not offend the young Ranger Captain by being unwelcoming.

A minuscule squeal of delight sounded from behind him. Yathas turned to see Tiene standing, bouncing on her toes as she too caught sight of Dar'Khan. Dressed in a deep maroon gown, drawn in tightly at the waist, Yathas felt a mixture of pride and sorrow as he looked upon his little girl. She had grown up so fast and was now a beautiful young woman, the mirror image of her mother with all the attributes men would now look at with hunger. Men like Dar'Khan.

"Ahh, Yathas!" Dar'Khan grabbed his hand and shook it, vigorously. 

Instantly, the mage's over-familiarity irked Yathas, but, in keeping with the spirit of a gracious host, he nodded and welcomed the Magister to his home. Dar'Khan handed over two bottles of wine as a gift for allowing him to dine with them. Yathas thanked him. 

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