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Everyone in the Students of Shadow noticed a difference in Tiene that day

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Everyone in the Students of Shadow noticed a difference in Tiene that day. She looked poised and confident, as well as beautiful. She deduced she must look amazing because for once Cel did not mention Inaris, and instead, complimented Tiene on how particularly attractive she looked. She felt like she could rule Azeroth.

There was only one person though who Tiene wanted to notice her above all else. And see her, he did. He could not take his eyes off her.

He trained alongside her at the guild as usual, but he seemed a little -distracted.

Tiene smiled to herself. Did Aledine's little pots of paint make that much of a difference? She mused. Or was it more to do with the fact that for once, she believed she was as pretty as any other girl?

Whatever it was, she had never been so glad to have met someone like Aledine. Furthermore, perhaps she would not have anything to correct as far as the "kiss" episode was concerned. Maybe things would go the way she hoped.

As the end of their lessons approached, Camnath made sure she knew he would like to walk her home again. She pretended it was no big thing and said. "Okay."

Walking through the Square, several eyes looked Tiene and Camnath's way. The little clique of girls who were always so quick to move or turn away when she neared, stared at her and her companion. Although Tiene felt good about herself today, a little nagging doubt flared as their eyes followed the young couple. She knew they were whispering about her amongst themselves, and probably not saying very complimentary things at that.

Her stomach lurched when she saw they were crossing the plaza towards them. An involuntary "Oh no," slipped from Tiene's mouth. Camnath looked at her quizzically.

"Hello Tiene," said the girl who led the group, Sedrine. Her name was about as much as Tiene knew about her, having never been privy to their little outings or conversations. The others' she did not know, nor wanted to, neither.

"Sedrine," Tiene replied, courteous but a little nervous too. She was trying to maintain some of the poise she had aired so well all day.

"You look...nice," Sedrine said, not looking at Tiene, but instead casting her almond-shaped eyes over the boy next to her. Tiene's veil of insecurity, however, was soon lifted as very unexpectedly, Camnath spoke up.

"Nice?" he said incredulously. "Is that all your vocabulary can muster?"

Some of the other girls shifted a little awkwardly. No-one spoke to Sedrine Brightspell like that.

The almond-eyed girl stared at him in disbelief. "It was a compliment," she said a little haughtily.

"You never compliment anyone but yourself, Sedrine." He retorted.

Tiene's eyes were wide. There was some animosity between these two. She was curious as to why. Plus, she did not expect the quiet, almost shy, Camnath to be so outspoken.

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