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"Tiene," a voice called softly, pulling her from her slumber. "Wake up."

It took Tiene a few moments to recognise Thil'las' soft, deep voice. Her eyes peeled open, reluctant, as if not wanting to look upon another gloomy fel-covered day. Using the heels of her hands, she rubbed away crusted sleep-matter, her vision blurred taking time to focus.

Thil'las smiled as she looked at him. She forced a smile in return. "Good try," the light-mannered elf said then moved away, chuckling, as he joined the others.

Tiene stretched. Some of her bones creaked, and muscles pinged as she prepared to rise from the bunk. Swinging her legs over the side, she sat, trying to gather her thoughts, but, her body ached. She would love nothing more than a warm bath to ease her tired body, but it was not a luxury she could afford right now.

She looked around, familiarizing herself with the new landscape again. She shivered, but it was not from the cold. It was the perpetual sense of doom Shadowmoon Valley emanated; the eerie green glow from the fel, the sound of meteors whooshing and screaming through the air before they hit the ground with a reverberating thud. She wondered how long it had been since the sun broke through the murky sky here and cast a little brightness on the dry, barren earth.

"Boy, when you sleep, you sleep!" Lexie said. She was sitting on another bunk, sharpening her blades.

"What? How long?" Tiene asked, still sluggish, strolling back to the bunks.

"A day and a half, nearly."

"No!" The news jolted Tiene wide awake.

"Yes. And you were dreaming most of the time." Lexie's voice hinted she knew only too well what had been going on in Tiene's head.

"Why did you let me sleep so long?" Tiene asked, agitated.

"You must have needed it. And I'm making sure you have all the strength you can muster."

Tiene stretched again. "You needn't worry any more on that front Lexie. I'm eating fine and, apparently," she gestured the bed, "I sleep well enough."

The undead woman cackled. "I dare say you do."

Emmek came striding into the room. He had just returned from patrolling the area, and his brow was heavily creased, concerned. It was not like the dwarf to be so unsettled, his eyes darting about the room like a nervous critter.

"What's wrong?" Tiene asked him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He jumped a little at her touch and took a deep breath before speaking. "It's the army he's buildin', they're – they're -"

Lexie came over to join the two rogues. "They're what?" she asked. "Spit it out!"

Emmek drew a hand over his mouth and shook his head. "They're demons!" he said in a hoarse whisper. "Horns were sproutin' frae their heids -" He gestured with his hands. "An' some wi' gnarled, clawed han's an' feet, like whit satyrs huv."

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