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Music: Hope composed by Brunuhville

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Music: Hope composed by Brunuhville

The journey for revenge had taken so much longer than Tiene had anticipated, but finally, she was here. Home. Her beloved Quel'thalas.

Standing now at the very place she wanted to be, her heart trembled nervously. Imprisoned for ten long years, and fighting for another two after that, she could not help but fear Camnath had grown weary of waiting for her. The thought that his spirit was no longer waiting in the meadows frightened her. Unable to cry since becoming a demon hunter, it did not stop the back of her throat burning fiercely from the unshed tears.

As part of Illidan's army, Tiene had done what she had needed to do. Justice now served - her true love avenged. The source which had stripped her of her family and husband was finally eliminated.

Now it was time to join her loved ones.

Not a day had passed, even when entrapped within the felblood, that sweet visions of Camnath did not cross her mind. As always, he had kept her focused.

When finally the Illidari were released, by Maiev Shadowsong, the very one who had imprisoned them, Tiene's final battle had begun.

Standing in the meadow, she considered her life. 

A lynx lay snoozing under a nearby tree, content, its belly full. It gave way to memories of her youth. She had spent long hours watching and idolising the felines - their fluidity and gracefulness, and their precision during the hunt. She sighed.

Her eyes panned over the spires of Silvermoon; her home, a long time ago, it seemed. Many a happy memory lingered there too from when she was growing up. She wasn't particularly liked as a kid by some of the other youngsters but looking back, that was trivial, and it didn't ruin her childhood per se.

Her family were her world; her father, a talented leather-worker and armourer (and legendary rogue): Duthan, her handsome Farstrider brother and Inaris, the amorous warlock. And Lor'themar, the only survivor of her close-knit family.

She then smirked, recalling her early training with the Students of Shadow. Inevitably, her thoughts drifted to Camnath and his initial awkwardness around her. Even now, it made her feel all coy, warm and almost giddy.

Their separation orchestrated by Sauren never dampened Tiene's feelings for her beloved Camnath. If anything, it perhaps strengthened the love she felt for him, even though she had believed he had forgotten her.

And Belore did work in mysterious ways, as finally they were reunited, albeit under tragic circumstances.

Tiene tried not to think of how short a time they had together, but it could not be avoided, for here she was, hanging on to his dying words, a promise yet to be fulfilled.

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