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Soft rays from the autumn sun meandered into Tiene's room the next morning coating the walls and floor in a mellow haze. Her eyes fluttered open to the new day but immediately scrunched up against the brightness. She covered her eyes with her forearm and started to play the previous night's events over in her head. She smiled.

Her stroll with Dar'Khan had been pleasant. She was well pleased with the way she had handled things. There had been something so deliciously satisfying, holding that blade to another humanoid's throat. She giggled as she recalled Dar'Khan's face when he felt the steel point on his skin.

The feeling of power she experienced at that moment was indescribable. She had never felt that before. If she were candid with herself, it gave her more pleasure than she thought a kiss would have given her. However, that little thrill could be collected in future, if the magus played along with her.

Then it dawned on her just what a risk she had taken. Dar'Khan was not some feeble little elf she could sneak up on and scare (as she had done to a fair few on many occasion in and around Silvermoon). He was a powerful mage, adept in sorcery. If he had been so inclined, he could have polymorphed her to teach her a lesson.

He was probably humouring her though. Yes, she found him extremely attractive, and his attention made her blush, but she was not stupid. Well aware of his standards and ambitions, she knew they meant a simple girl like her would merely be a plaything for one such as he. He would easily discard her when he became bored. Still, she liked this game. It would be interesting to see if he would indeed play along.

Her light-heartedness waned once she remembered her father's face at the dinner table following her announcement. She had not meant to hurt or humiliate him. She had just thought it was the perfect opportunity to let him know that she had seriously been considering her future and what she wanted to do with her life.

It was necessary that he, and her brothers, realised she was not a silly little girl anymore. She didn't want to stay at home doing all the chores. Furthermore, her absconding to the woods wasn't just for the thrill of it. She had been honing skills out there.

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