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Tiene returned to the guild grounds, devastated. Three of her best friends' lives had been drastically altered - ruined - by none other than her Guild Master. The journey back to the compound had been the most difficult she'd endured to date.

The portcullis, still barricaded, suggested Sauren had not returned yet. For that, she was thankful. Still profoundly upset from finding Louvel, Fyn and Lexie as undead, her chest burned from trying to keep wracking sobs at bay. She needed time to compose herself.

First things first, though, she had to find Brett, and the trusted few who were aware of the investigation into Sauren's unsavoury dealings.

Using the magic concealment spell to ensure Sauren's elite would be unable to detect her, she made her way back to the halls.

The doors were still locked and once checking none of Sauren's elites loomed nearby she knocked in rapid succession. She heard movement behind the door. "It's me, Tiene!" she said, hoarse, barely a whisper.

The door opened, and an anxious-looking Brett greeted her. He signalled for the others to re-secure the doors, then he led her to a chair. Thil'las and Emmek joined them.

"Tiene, are you alright? Are you hurt?" Brett fussed, checking her over as diplomatically as possible.

She flapped his hand away. "I'm fine. Stop, please!" Her voice cracked, then the tears flowed.

Brett signalled to the night elf to find something for Tiene to drink and a handkerchief to dry her tears. Thil'las duly found some wine and poured a glass for Tiene then handed it to her along with a napkin. She thanked him, took a sip, and concentrated on composing herself before revealing what she'd found.

She told them everything - about the waitress and her son, little Billy, to Louvel, Fyn and Lexie, and the fact that they were now undead. Then she revealed Sauren's part in the whole horrid affair.

As the words spilt from her mouth, her distress returned tenfold. Brett tried to calm her, taking the wine and handing it back to Thil'las. He wrapped his arms around her, rocking her gently.

Gradually, her sobbing lessened until it stopped altogether.

"Thil'las, Emmek, gather the others. We need to devise a plan to overthrow Sauren - the bastard! And as soon as possible. Head to the missions room..."

"No," Tiene said, pushing herself up. She swiped at her eyes with the napkin.

"Tiene, I want you to leave, get passage to Kalimdor..."


Thil'las and Emmek also tried to reason with her, but she refused, point-blank. "I will finish him," she said, absolute.

Brett gasped. "Tiene, the Sa'themar loyalists will handle this. We are finally in a position to overthrow Sauren for his deceit and betrayal. You must leave the grounds as soon as possible."

"I'm going nowhere, Brett. And I am going to be the one to finish him."

The older rogue was not giving in either. "You know his abilities, lass. As good an assassin as you are, Tiene, I don't think you will best him. I also know he would not hurt you; but, he may still exact a cost and a high one at that. Let us deal with him, please."

Tiene regained her poise, her determination. "Brett. I have one major advantage over twenty or more of you."

The burly man started to protest, but she held her hand up to silence him. "I know his greatest weakness, and trust me, your troupe are not equipped to deal with that."

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