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      Dedicated to @ea_carter with thanks for taking me on a beautiful journey in her stories

So this was the commander of the Crimson Blade, Camnath thought

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So this was the commander of the Crimson Blade, Camnath thought. He was not at all as he had expected; this, Sauren Nightflame. As the company went through the motions of introductions and the usual niceties, he could not deny the man had a presence.

He supposed he should have, right enough, being the leader of one of, if not the best assassins guilds in the Eastern Kingdoms. Their reputation spanned a substantial number of years, from when Tiene's parents were members of the Blades. Their services were unaffordable to the more lowly citizens of Azeroth, but they were renowned amongst nobles and noteworthies for doling out their swift methods of justice and vengeance with the utmost discretion.

Kings hired them when they required the assassins' skills of stealth and espionage to aid in their feuds with other disgruntled nobility or enemies - in recent times, being the horde, orcs and trolls. Strange, how a guild such as the Crimson Blade could be so famous for their unique abilities but was never held accountable, never brought to justice themselves.

Camnath smiled inwardly; it was therefore slightly amusing that both he and Tiene had chosen a career in something which, by all accounts, was anything but honourable. Yet it was held in high esteem by some and sought out by many. And it paid well, going by the unimpeachable tailoring apparent in both Sauren and Brett's attire.

He imagined their headquarters would be quite exorbitant for he had the impression Sauren Nightflame would be a man of impeccable taste. Camnath sensed this individual possessed an excellent ability to present grandeur, without it being prone to flamboyance which, so quickly turned to crassness.

Talking of which -, he thought, as the irritatingly familiar voice of the Magister followed close behind. Camnath forced down a snarl.

Granted, Dar'Khan had played his extravagant garb down a shade for this evening's festivities, but still, this Sauren had style the likes of which the Magister could only dream. The evidence of which played clearly in Dar'Khan's eyes as he neared the party. Camnath unashamedly took pleasure in seeing a pinch of uncertainty on his face.

Yathas afforded the introductions. Dar'Khan gave a small bob of his head in greeting to Brett and Sauren, though his eyes lingered a little longer on the Guild Master. His persona soon reverted to the usual proud peacock that he was, as Sauren spoke. "Ah, Magister Dar'Kahn Drathir. Yes, your name is familiar. Is it true you played a large part in the construction of Quel'thalas?"

"Indeed it is," the Magister replied, never one to be remotely modest. "It was a huge undertaking and one I am rather proud of."

"Hmm," the Guild Master said, unimpressed. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back again. "I would imagine you must have received much glory and commendation for this achievement?"

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