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 "You?" Tiene was stunned by the demon's introduction. "You are the Betrayer?"

The female, pleasant only moments ago, snarled and hissed at Tiene now, assuming a half-crouch, talons flexed ready to rip and tear. Tiene flinched and fell back onto her behind.

Illidan stepped forward, placing an arm around the female's waist pulling her towards him. He towered over her, his physique muscular, commanding. Gently he traced her jaw with a taloned forefinger. The female calmed instantly.

Tiene watched, mesmerised as Illidan's mouth neared the female's.

"She means no insult, Arcaena. It is merely the name she knows me by." His lips hovered over the female's for a tantalising moment, and then he released her from his embrace.

Tiene was trying to make the scene compute in her slightly unsettled brain. Somehow, demons plus tenderness did not add up. Now she felt even more confused. Did he bewitch Arcaena? Or was there genuine affection between these two? The Betrayer was meant to be ruthless, a warrior, a powerful sorcerer, a slayer of - well, now Tiene wasn't sure who he slew - or didn't.

He turned his attention back to Tiene, grinning as he saw the bemused expression on her face. "You seem ... aghast," he said. "Am I to understand that I am not what you expected?"

Tiene was still trying to come to terms with the fact they weren't gnawing on her bones, and Illidan Stormrage was talking civilly to her. She had to try to be coherent and polite in return, or else she might still be on the menu. "I – I did not know what to expect, to be honest. I assumed you were still more – elf than demon I suppose. Especially since Prince Kael'thas..."

Arcaena hissed again. Illidan's expression, hard to interpret with there being no eyes on view, seemed to remain impassive, other than the smallest hint of fangs on display.

"Did he send you?" Illidan asked, his voice even.

"No! He has betrayed my people..."

"He betrayed us!" spat Arcaena.

Tiene's eyes widened. It seemed every utterance from her lips caused Arcaena to have a seizure. She looked back up at Illidan. Oh, Belore, he is enormous, she thought as she continued quailing on the ground before him.

"Yes," he said, head tilting as he looked at her. "He was weak, seduced by Kil'jaeden and his empty promises. He no longer fights the Legion; he serves it."

Tiene, aware of Kael'thas' change of allegiance, focused more on what else the Betrayer implied - Illidan, himself, was fighting against the Legion, he was not one of its servants. Confirmation of the demon hunter's campaign was an enormous relief, and Tiene felt an inner calm beginning to spread.

"My people have heard of his defection, yes, and we understand betrayal, perhaps more than most. We have suffered at the hands of Arthas Menethil, Prince of Lordaeron and Dar'khan Drathir." She hissed the late magister's name then paused, her fury rising as she swatted Sauren's name to the back of her mind. "There have been others too, which I will not name, but as for Kael'thas - my people do not acknowledge him as our Prince anymore."

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