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Dedicated to Sara@Finfychan for allowing me to incorporate her wonderful character Louvel Nottley in this story.  I hope I have done him justice.

The following morning, Tiene rose bright and early having heard a cock crowing from somewhere nearby

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The following morning, Tiene rose bright and early having heard a cock crowing from somewhere nearby. She washed and dressed, then spent some time brushing her hair thinking of Camnath and her family. She could not help but put a little lip balm, eyeliner and blusher on.

She looked at her little pots of magic, as she called them. It hadn't occurred to her until now, but suddenly she wondered where she might purchase some more when she needed them? Could she dare visit Aledine for more when she went home sometime? That would be a bit cheeky, she thought with a smile. Perhaps she would look today in the city. Her training was not due to start until tomorrow so she could look around.

She would need to find out what the protocol was though for students leaving the grounds. She wondered if anyone would be awake yet. She daren't just leave, that might be considered bad manners, or against rules or something. She could at least go to the library meantime.

Squeezing into her leather boots, then fastening a cape around her shoulders, she quietly opened her door. Sauren's rooms lay directly across the hall from hers. She waited, listening for any movement - nothing; silence. He was probably still asleep. It was early after all. She slipped out of her room and closed the door softly behind her.

She remembered where the library was situated easy enough. As she passed the dining hall, the smell of freshly baked bread drifted towards her. The kitchens, located to the rear of the room, offered up wonderful aromas. They permeated the air, making her feel all warm and gooey. The combination of ham, eggs, mushrooms all smelled delicious.

As all dining took place over two sittings, she decided to opt for the second one, or else buy something in the city, if she found out she was allowed leave of course. Meanwhile, she would visit the library.

The moment she opened the door, she was drawn back to the portrait of her parents. She could not get over how amazing they were, and her father looked so young! She smiled. As she looked at Lina's image, she could see the resemblance between mother and daughter - right down to the slight upturn of her nose. She continued to stare at the painting.

Observing quietly, Sauren sat on the window ledge to the right of the main door, one foot poised on the sill, with bended knee. His elbow loosely resting on it he held a book casually. He'd smiled as she'd entered the library. Somehow he knew she would pay an early visit. He noted how like her mother she was. She possessed the same grace and beauty.

Since witnessing the Firefury's in action, he had wished to emulate their sleek, stylish moves but had never succeeded in finding a partner capable enough. Yathas and Lina's excellent skills resulted in their successful and pristine execution of missions and made them legends of the guild.

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