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Dedicated to @ea_carter for giving Rogue such a touching tribute and sending this song to reflect the love story between Tiene and Camnath.  Thank you my friend.

Camnath and Tiene spent the night at Farstrider Enclave. Tiene had insisted the Magister's head was placed in a sack for her to deliver to Lor'themar the next day. The rest of Dar'Khan's body was dismembered, burned and then scattered to the four corners of Quel'thalas. Tiene saw it as assurance Dar'Khan would never rise again.

Music: BEAUTIFUL by Crush (Cover version by Daryl Ong)

As the night drew to an end, Camnath tended Tiene's wounded shoulders and arms, gently bathing and dressing the cuts. While nothing serious he insisted they were cleaned to prevent infection.

He knew Tiene was exhausted from their day's work, perhaps more emotional than physical, but he was content to sit next to her in bed, just holding her in his arms. He planted little kisses of reassurance on her brow to let her know he was there for her.

She whispered she loved him. Soon after she slipped into the land of dreams snuggling against him, fingers laced in his long ebony hair.

With Tiene in his arms, Camnath no longer thought of the past with bitterness. He had set aside his hurt years ago, although his concern for her had never lapsed. Through the ever-informative rogues' network, he had heard snippets about her accomplishments, her progress, and the respect awarded from others in the profession. Inevitably, Sauren's name was always intertwined.

The agony and shame Camnath felt for turning and walking away from Tiene that fateful night at the Gathering still cut deep. He had berated himself for a very long time and even now, the guilt simmered if he was honest.

Tiene shifted in his embrace, a tiny moan slipping from her lips. Camnath lightly squeezed her shoulders, then reflected once more.

There was still a residue of resentment toward Sauren, even though he was now dead. The monster had stolen years which should have belonged to Camnath and Tiene.

But now, Camnath was the one lying beside Tiene, her soft breath ghosting on his chest and he knew she loved him. Finally, he felt in harmony with all things.

His homeland, broken, in ruins, was not quite so grim with Tiene beside him. His life had never felt so rich and full as it did at this precise moment. Tiene was his world.

He would protect her to the bitter end. A small laugh escaped as he realised she was more than capable of defending herself. But, he would do everything in his power to keep her safe and, hopefully, give her a good life. She so deserved to be happy. His beautiful Tiene. So brave, so loving.

He pondered their future as he watched her sleeping. Belaen's words came to mind, "...your paths will cross in the future when the time is right."

Well, here they were, years later, the world around them ravaged, wounded, but together he believed they had a future. From the ashes, the phoenix' was born, and it was their people's emblem after all.

Now they were of the Sin'dorei - Blood Elves. Much healing and rebuilding were required, and it would take time, but they would rise, become healthy once more, and they would grow to be a nation again.

Their beloved Quel'thalas would return as eternal spring one day and perhaps he and Tiene would see their children running through the meadows among butterflies and dragonhawks. He visualised them with sons and daughters. Maybe two of each? That would be nice, he thought, involuntarily tightening his arm around Tiene again. Her fingers briefly weaved through his hair, then she settled.

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