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Tiene sat at one of the booths in Capital Inn with a bottle of Brightsong Wine, a third of it already gone

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Tiene sat at one of the booths in Capital Inn with a bottle of Brightsong Wine, a third of it already gone. She sat swilling the wine around in her glass, almost mesmerised by the warm peach colour of the liquid.

The alcohol was to relax her for the imminent return of her Guild Master and now lover. He would be hungry no doubt, ravenous, and not for anything the inn nor the kitchens in the guild could rustle up neither. Even though she had a better understanding of his demands now, she was still nonetheless, a little nervous.

Her visit to Aledine the day before had been - informative. As well as slightly embarrassing, shocking at times, and at one point hilariously funny. The madame had taken her through a passage in her 'house of sinful pleasures'. Those of a particular persuasion could observe the experts of love at work through little windows.

At first Tiene knew not where to look, her face had gone about fifty shades of red, but Aledine, with her incredibly seductive and provocative abilities, managed to make Tiene overcome her shyness, and, in the end, she became a studious voyeur.

Tiene confided in Aledine but demanded she told no-one, particularly not her brother, Ianris.

There had been no need to insist on secrecy with Aledine, however. The madame explained an establishment such as hers was regularly privy to hearing many incredible things, all in various degrees of severity. It was the second-best place to confess your sins, she said, the first, being the church. Confidentiality was guaranteed.

Aledine had looked at Tiene with immeasurable sorrow when she'd found out about Camnath; the very boy Tiene had spoken of a year ago, had been the one who was humiliated by Tiene's duplicitous Guild Master.

On hearing how Tiene was planning to handle the situation, however, she had voiced concerns. Pleasuring the man who had deflowered her would be easy enough, she'd said, but the emotional hell it could involve was an entirely different ballgame, one which Aledine expressed should not be overlooked. Tiene was resolute; she refused to allow Sauren to think he had won.

But, she then told the madame - without going into detail - there was more involved than just a personal vendetta. It was now political, and something which could affect them all, even friends and family in Quel'thalas.

And so, her lessons began. Aledine had known many men with similar tastes to Sauren. The fun part was turning the tables - changing who ended up in the dominant role.

According to Aledine, an insatiable brute with a need to control in the boudoir could so easily be made putty in one's hands with a little know-how. In this case, though, she'd advised, it would be prudent to take one's time - too soon a change may make him suspicious. "He has, after all, taken your virginity," the madame said, as delicately as possible. "You are, therefore, a novice, and cannot instantly be an expert in the art of sexual pleasure. That would make him suspicious, Tiene, with a myriad of ridiculous explanations spinning in his twisted mind."

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