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After dousing the fire, the two rogues left the safety of the cave

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After dousing the fire, the two rogues left the safety of the cave. Both had honed their blades using their sharpening stones and poisons were applied to the blades' feeders. They checked each other's weaponry, secured scabbards, bracers and belts. Now they were ready for battle.

Today, Dar'Khan Drathir would die. And this time, he would stay dead.

A fog hung, ominous, somewhat reflective of the task which lay ahead. With luck, it would not be prophetic.

The assassins were expecting five Rangers to accompany them into Deatholme and aid them in reaching their ultimate destination - the Tower of the Damned and the Magister himself.

Past attempts at killing the traitorous Dar'Khan within his domain had failed. This was partly due to the lieutenants he now had under his command. According to intel provided by the Rangers, these loyal disciples possessed not only defensive expertise but were also imbued with dark magic, fortifying their unique abilities.

The plan this time around, therefore, was for the assassins to take the lead. The art of surprise in the first instance would come from the rogues' stealth attacks. Once they had the advantage, the Rangers would finish, bringing the lieutenants down. Hopefully, with Belore on their side, they would reach Dar'Khan before he was aware of the troop's presence.

Camnath and Teine made their way down through the hills to the outskirts of Deatholme where the Rangers would be waiting.

The fog was already lifting and as such the rogues spied their Ranger accomplices. Before they reached them, Camnath stopped and grabbed Tiene by the arm. "Are you sure you're going to be okay doing this?" he asked, his voice tight with concern.

Tiene looked into his eyes, wondering why he would even ask that question. "Dar'Khan is but a ghost waiting to happen, Camnath. I will be fine. I owe it to my family and Quel'thalas."

"Promise me you won't take risks, Tiene. If he proves too strong, you must retreat."

"There is always a risk, Camnath, you know that." She tried to soothe Camnath's angst.

"You know what I mean, Tiene!"

Her eyes flashed, indignation simmering just below the surface. She had recently killed one of the most notorious guild leaders in history, Sauren Nightflame, she was not to be considered inept.

As if responding to her thoughts, Camnath spoke again. "It is not that I doubt your dedication or indeed your skill. I only say it, because I care. I love you."

Tiene could not remain peeved at Camnath - he was worried about her. It had taken years for them to acknowledge and consummate their love, so it was natural for him to be concerned. She smiled up at him. "You're really cute when you go all protective, you know." She pinched his cheeks, playful, then turned to move away, but he pulled her back again.

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