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The city of Dalaran was a feat in architecture, of that there was no doubt

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The city of Dalaran was a feat in architecture, of that there was no doubt. It's opulent spires, and domed buildings were the envy of many an architect throughout the kingdoms.

The magi built Dalaran as a haven for those who practised the magic arts, in particular arcane. They had tired of the restraints imposed by the monarchs of the land and so studied their craft within the domed city. Built over leylines enabling the mages and wizards to channel their powers more effectively, over time the metropolis attracted more spell-wielders from all over Azeroth.

It had suffered dramatically during the Second War with the Horde. Having provided vast amounts of support to the Alliance of Lordaeron during this war, builders were sent to aid the mages and sorcerers to rebuild the city. Its inhabitants and founders worked diligently alongside each other, and the reconstruction of the city commenced, arriving at what it was today. But it was not all muscle and brawn which rebuilt the city, after all, what was the use of magic if not to create something of beauty at least.

The ruling body in the city, The Kirin Tor, oversaw the use of magic and actively pursued the many sources located throughout the lands, taking great care to catalogue and store all finds.

The Council of Six, High Council of the Kirin Tor, would rule from the wondrous Chamber of Air. It was rumoured their identities were concealed from all who appeared before them, keeping their supremacy absolute.

But, it was one of those Six who Sauren Nightflame and his two guards rode into the city to meet. They would not be meeting in the Chamber of Air, however, so no mask would be worn by his host; besides they knew each other well.

The Crimson Blades were to go to a house on the east of the city, where the individual would await their arrival. Their business would be shielded from prying eyes and ears by a simple secrecy ward. Nothing unusual in that, it was expected. Even in a city made up mainly of wizard's and mages, these individuals had interests outside their magical pursuits, preferring to keep them private.

Sauren dismounted with his usual flourish and drank in the calming violet hues of the city. His guards shouted over a young boy, asking him if he wanted to earn some silver for a few hours work. The boy nodded his head enthusiastically. They told him to look after their horses and see that they were fed and watered. The boy's face lit up, and he took the reins of all three mounts and led them to stables nearby.

The door of the house opened, and a man in purple and white robes came out to greet Sauren and his men. The man looked like any other. Almost six foot tall, of a reasonably medium build and just showing the beginnings of a slight paunch, he was a relatively fit individual, for one who spent the bulk of his life bent over books, scrolls and maps. 

A well-travelled man nonetheless he also bore the weather-beaten skin of one who had endured many different climates and environments. Medium brown hair in a floppy bob framed his bearded face out of which piercing blue eyes beheld the world with the arrogance of one who was all-knowing and experienced in the many forms of pure magic. "Welcome, Sauren. It has been a while, although of course, my travels have been mainly to blame for that."

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