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Tiene's first day of official training arrived, and she was both excited and nervous

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Tiene's first day of official training arrived, and she was both excited and nervous. She had been desperate to take her mother's blades, but her father explained it was early days, she would not be using real daggers. Novices trained initially with wooden ones.

Unable to hide her disappointment, after due consideration, she had to admit it made sense. It wouldn't do if she wounded, or worse, killed her trainers on the first day, after all. She couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of such a thought.

Rushing about getting herself ready, she had been but a blur in the house. It took her three changes before she finally decided on appropriate clothing; it had to be practical and nothing to restrict her movements.

Yathas was explaining the importance of breakfast as she shot out the door with a half-eaten moonberry muffin in her mouth and fighting her way into the sleeves of her jacket. She waved goodbye and hurried on along the street towards Murder Row.

Turning a corner, having rammed the last of her breakfast into her mouth, she ran straight into Dar'Khan.

"Ar'aan!" she mumbled through a mouthful of moonberry muffin. "'orry."

The magister grinned. "Why, if it isn't my intended!" He made a flourish of bowing, taking her hand, kissing it.

Tiene glanced around making sure no-one over-heard or saw Dar'Khan's display. It was unnecessary now, even though he was utterly delectable. 

She inched back as he leaned down to look closer at her. She was chewing furiously to try and get rid of her breakfast, but muffins weren't the easiest of foods to swallow quickly. It caked the roof of her mouth and all around her gums, making coherent conversation impossible.

Dar'Khan smiled as he flicked a crumb from the corner of her mouth. "Lucky muffin," he whispered.

She blushed, not knowing why, but sensing some deviant inference from the tone of his voice and look in his eyes. "'Skoosh muh," she managed, nearly choking.

"Squeeze you? Why Tiene my lovely! We have not even kissed - yet!" He teased her. 

Tiene blushed more and the food caught in her throat, causing her to cough. Now she was betwixt ejecting the semi-chewed muffin on the ground between his feet or trying to stifle the cough and keeping her mouth closed. Her face was reddening with the effort even more than it had through her embarrassment a moment ago.

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