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Music: Earth Song, Michael Jackson (I KNOW!!! Weird, but it works )

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Arthas Menethil required the Sunwell, the High Elves' source of power, to resurrect Kel'Thuzad. Located on the Isle Quel'Danas, home to the Sunstrider dynasty, Arthas, with his loyal army, plundered their way through Quel'Thalas to reach his goal.

They faced fierce resistance in the King's court, but Arthas, mad, driven by dark forces, killed King Anasterian, monarch of the High Elves.

Quel'Thalas was left grieving. Her King was dead, and the survivors of the scourge attack were few. They were leaderless and growing weaker as their life source, The Sunwell, lay in a ruined, corrupted state.

The day after Camnath and Tiene left with the Rangers to pursue Dar'Khan Drathir, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Prince of Quel'thalas and only son of High King Anasterian, returned to Silvermoon amid the aftermath of its destruction.

Although he had spent many years away from Quel'thalas, his deep love for the majestic land had never waned. His beloved Silvermoon, the one-time jewel of the elven nation, now lay in ruins, strewn in a thick sheet of dust, rubble and blood.

He winced at the sight of torn and broken bodies lying at the edges of roads, in the woods and around derelict buildings. Mothers, fathers, children, lay twisted, bloodied, left to rot. It was a distressing sight and one which would haunt Kael'thas' mind for a very, very long time.

As Kael'thas rode in on his hawkstrider, his entourage and bodyguards at his side, his welcome in the city was somewhat reserved. The people watched the procession with a palpable distaste in their eyes as he rode by.

They had suffered much, and viewed his absence from the kingdom over the years, as almost negligent. So much more so now, following the monumental losses to the elven nation.

It had been many years since last he rode along the Walk of Elders. Kael'thas turned into Royal Exchange emerging at Farstrider Square, his favoured route as opposed to the more direct one through Murder Row. A growing feeling of dread filled his heart. The devastation was exhaustive, no part of the city had escaped the scourge attack and corresponding blast of the Sunwell.

The Prince's eyes took it all in. It was a stark contrast to Dalaran, the violet city with is pristine towers, domed buildings and paved streets. There he had studied and trained to become a powerful mage. His dedication, clarity of thought and tremendous skills also earned him recognition with the elite of Dalaran, and he was now a member of The Six - the High Council of Dalaran.

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