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Music: Path to Darkness  composed by Adrian von Ziegler

The dog-like beast, imprisoned within the summoning circle, paced back and forth, demented. It's head, consisting of mostly jawbone with two-inch-long serrated teeth, slavered drool laden with phosphorescent fel. And its almond-shaped eyes, fiery amber with vertical slits, oozed hate and an insatiable hunger for the kill.

Tiene, feeling a sense of hopelessness, watched as spines, like that of a giant porcupine, rattled and clacked around the beast's neck when it shook its head in rage and frustration. It snapped and growled at the slightest movement nearby or shadows which passed overhead.

The beast was about twice the size of Tiene and at least ten times stronger. Its muscles rippled as it slunk around the constricting space, emanating its sheer power and boundless stamina.

An imp would have been better; she mused as she looked with envy at the neighbouring circle. Another Sin'dorei had come to join the ranks of the Lord of Outland, but he was bigger and stronger than Tiene too - yet he got the imp!

"Good luck," she called over, a little bitter.

The elf looked insulted by the comment and glanced at Tiene's quarry. He grinned. "You will need more luck than me, I think," he said, half laughing. "You should have been smarter when summoning your demon."

She whimpered, a wry smile on her lips. You're not wrong there, she thought.

Footfalls from behind made her turn. Arcaena came to her side. The one-time night elf seemed to have softened towards Tiene. That, at least, was a relief. This trial she had to face was unnerving, and a little encouragement would not go amiss. For all Tiene had fought demons before, she had always been part of a group. She had never tackled the foul things alone before.

She glanced back at the blood elf with the imp. "Wish I had his demon," she muttered.

"Do you?" Arcaena smiled in the lop-sided way Tiene had seen her do before.

"Yes. This thing – " Tiene pointed to the felhunter. "- will best me for sure. I fear I have failed before I have even begun."

Arcaena circled Tiene and stood with her back to the blood elf who was now tormenting his imp. "We each summon a demon which represents our nature, our character and our strengths. Or, if you are unlucky..." she glanced over her shoulder to the male elf then back at Tiene again, "...your worst trait." She smirked.

Tiene wasn't sure whether to be relieved or dismayed by this, for she did not realise she had so much in common with a foul, slobbering felhunter.

Arcaena continued smiling as she explained further. "An imp is an easy option, and that speaks volumes of the elf's nature. He is sarcastic, thinks himself clever, even superior, but he will readily flee a fight with the lame excuse it is so he can fight demons another day."

She shifted behind Tiene, and the two of them observed as the elf fought the imp. Arcaena whispered into Tiene's ear. "He will not remain by your side in battle, but yes, he can provide good defence in the art of pyromancy. He will blast a few enemies and set others on fire, but he will be gone from the battleground before the smoke has cleared. That, Tiene, is not your nature."

Tiene suppressed a grin as the elf yelped when the imp scorched him. "With respect," she said, facing the demon hunter again. "You do not know me, Arcaena. How can you assume such a thing?"

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