family troubles » dejounte murray

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for teasippertrinity

The only thing Tony could sputter out from his lips were strings of unfinished sentences and nervous stutters as Trinity walked past them with a fire in her eyes.

"R-run," Tony mumbled, attempting to push the seven footer away from the court. He ignored Pau's question of why he should and continued to attempt to escape.

"Fucking hell!" Both their attentions snapped to the 20-year-old who was reaching out to Danny for help as his girlfriend dragged him out of the court by his ear.

"So, who's that?"

"That's Dejounte's girlfriend, Trinity. She works for the organization; her dad plays a big role here so we kind of watched her grow up," Tony laughed, "but she's got a couple screws lose sometimes."

Trinity dragged her boyfriend back into the locker room, shoving his body down onto one of the chairs.

"Are we having kinky sex in the locker room?" Dejounte asked, skeptically looking around the room then at Trinity. His laughter was cut short when she wasn't laughing with him. Sighing, he sinks back in his seat. "What'd I do wrong this time?"

Trinity sucked in a deep breath, closing her eyes in disbelief. "You didn't tell me your mom was coming to visit."

His mom and Trinity were infamous for their arguments and petty interaction. But that's what honestly made it so unique for them to be seen in the same room together; let alone the same house.

She'd been lying on the couch when a knock landed on their door. Expecting something else other than his mom, you could only imagine the utter disbelief and anger Trinity felt when she'd mentioned that she told Dejounte that she was staying for a couple days.

Dejounte's mouth curled into an 'o' shape, eyebrows raised as he stared at the wall behind Trinity. "Oh..." He lifted his eyes back at her, one eyebrow dropping to question her, "I didn't tell you that?"

"You didn't tell me on purpose, stop fuckin' lying!" Trinity scowled, smacking her boyfriend's arm with a heavy hand. "She saw the condom in the trash and called me out on it in front of your dad! I almost died!"

"She said she'd come over tomorrow!" Dejounte whined, "I didn't know she'd come a day earlier while I'm out for practice! Sh- she did this... on purpose."

The couple sat in silence, thinking how they'd be able to get pass dinner that night with his parents probably already raiding their messy house.

Trinity stayed in for practice, refusing to go back home with his parents in the house. With Trinity growing up in a harsh environment — free to speak her mind and say things so matter how rude — who knew what she might have said to his mom?

When he finished practice, the two went back home together in separate cars. They came in hand-in-hand, preparing for their worst of the week that they'd eventually laugh about in a few days.

But this time was different. There was a different aura and it frustrated Trinity.

They were trying to have a nice and peaceful dinner together at the time. His mom had prepared a few dishes that Trinity couldn't deny that tasted great as much as she disliked her.

It would've been close to perfect if his mom wasn't pointing out every single flaw about the house — the way it's arranged, it's cleanliness (which they couldn't argue against, but still), the way Trinity kept things and it annoyed her.

As if it wasn't enough, his mom decided to pick on her as well. Her wardrobe, her makeup, their room, everything. Who exactly gave her the rights to come into their house and start pin pointing every little flaw about her and the house?

Deciding it was enough, Trinity lost her temper. She dropped her utensils loudly on the ceramic plate while his mom went on about how unhygienic Trinity was keeping their bathroom, receiving everyone's undivided attention.

Trinity's eyes shot up to stare into hers. "What is your problem? First, you arrive at the house without my knowledge and then now you're pointing out every single flaw about me? Just how far do you think you can push your luck with me?"

But she didn't go down without a fight either. "You're my problem. You're not good for my son! You're a diva — growing up around all these rich men and getting whatever you want whenever you need it. You don't deserve everything you have now and especially not my son."

"Mom!" Dejounte finally spoke up, sending his mother daggers. At first, he thought it was some harmless judging. His mom did that all the time that he and Trinity were used to it by now.

"What's so wrong with me? What is the big deal with me that even after all these years, you can't just accept the fact that we love each other?"

"That you're not gonna be a good mother nor a good wife!" Everyone's jaws dropped, and tears immediately rushed up into Trinity's eyes. Usually, it'd take a lot more than that to make her cry but things were a lot more different now.

Noticing the shocked looks on everyone's faces, his mom sinks back into her seat and shrugged. She glanced at Trinity then at Dejounte, then settled on her husband. "Yes, I saw the pregnancy test and the ring."

Trinity gasped. "you're gonna propose?" At the very same time, Dejounte dropped his glass of water on the table but not toppling it over: "You're pregnant?"

"Oh, no."


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