flirtashionship » russell westbrook

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for my girl, qveenpariah

Aria's favorite thing amounted to the smallest thing like the Thunders having a home game. Home games meant they had their game at the Arena and that meant Russell was around.

"Aria," Russell grinned as she came into his sight. He held both hands out and pulled her in for a hug. "I missed you!"

"Of course, you did," Aria grinned. "You always miss me."

"Damn, you right. Baby I... I really missed your face," Russell laughed as he started to make his way down the tunnel to prepare for the game. "I already miss you, though, ma! You look smokin', by the way!"

"How am I ever gonna survive without you?" Aria called out jokingly, although half meaning what she said. "And you don't look so bad yourself!" It flustered her that Russell even bothered flirting with her but she didn't know if he meant it or not.

She pushed the thought out of her mind and focused back on her task at hand - ensure that no one got through the gates without a ticket or a pass.

She didn't get to watch the entire game, but she did manage to watch a couple of minutes when she excused herself to go to the bathroom. His game was remarkable that night. He achieved a 50 point triple double and she secretly knew that that was possible because the team relied on only him now that KD's gone. (a/n; no but for real tho)

There weren't a lot of people left in the arena by the time she was about to leave. However, her time to drive back home and spend some time alone was cut short when a colleague had decided he wasn't giving her that.

"Hey, I've told you 'no' like ten times in the past month," Aria repeated as humble as she could sound. "I'm just not interested on going out on a date with you."

His smile dropped. "How are you going to know if you don't give it a try?" Aria stared up at him blankly, making him roll his eyes and take another step forward. "Come on, you know you wanna get with me. Stop playing hard to get."

"Pretty sure if I've rejected you ten times in the past thirty days, I'm not interested," she stated blankly, pressing her lips into a thin line. "You're great and all, but I have eyes for someone else."

"Baby, co-"

"Hey, she said 'no'." Both your heads turned to the side where Russell stood with his bag slung over his shoulder and a shoe bag in hand. He walked over towards you and slung an arm around your shoulders, pulling you against him.

"Oh, so you're her knight in shining armor? Enlighten me, Westbrook."

"I'm her boyfriend." The word had rolled off his tongue so perfectly that Aria couldn't help but believe it.

"Aria's never spoken of a boyfriend before. Prove it."

Russell shrugged and grinned smugly. "I would, but you watching me prove that she's my girlfriend would be kinda awkward, don't you think?"

His eyes widened is belief and his nose scrunched up in disgust. A blush crept up Aria's cheeks, making her bow her head head to use her hair to block the sight out. Russell rolled his eyes and wrapped his arm tighter around you. "Scram!"

Aria didn't know how she was going to thank Russell now that her colleague was probably going to leave her alone forever now. When she turned to Russell, she couldn't help but blabber everything except for the words thank you.

"Calm down," Russell laughed, nudging her shoulder as they walked towards the exit. "I just saved your ass, no biggie. You're welcome, too"

"But my boyfriend?" Aria answered as she regained her composure. It wasn't everyday that the guy you liked established that he was your girlfriend. "You're really pushing your luck, Russell."

"I wouldn't call it pushing my luck, ma," he grinned, winking down at her. "I'd call it subtly dropping hints until she realizes that I'm in love with her."

"Interesting," Aria laughed. When it struck her, she stopped walking in the middle of the parking lot. "Wait, what?" Russell stopped walking and turned back to her. "You what me?"

"Baby I," he swallowed the forming lump in his throat, "I love you." Russell walked over to her and grabbed her face, "did you think I was flirting with you because I didn't have anything else better to do?"

"Sort of." She laughed when Russell rolled his eyes back into his head and pinched her cheeks. "But I also am sort of in love with you too."

"I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow," Russell grinned, pressing his lips against the tip of her nose. He happily walked away and left her in the middle of the parking lot, frozen.

After so long, the two had finally spoken about their feelings regarding one another. In both their minds, they were silently thanking her colleague for allowing Russell to step in and defend her where one thing led to another.

Russell wasn't the knight in shining armor; he's the prince in shining armor.

lmao this was so long but so adorable i hope you like it as much as i did bc honestly now i got the russell westbrook feels

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