bumper cars » jordan clarkson

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"Lia, come on!" May begged, tugging on Lia's arm. "I want to ride that!"

Lia follows the direction her finger is pointed to, and furrowed her eyebrows, squinting her eyes to get a clearer look. "The bumper car or that cute guy waiting in the line?"

"Both," May chuckled, still pulling Lia towards the ride, totally unaware of the way Lia was trying to pull back. "But knowing the possibilities, I think I'll be just fine with the bumper car."

Lia wasn't a big fan of bumper cars because the last time she'd gotten on one — which was years ago when she was still a preteen — she'd forgotten to put her seat belts on and she almost flew out of the car. No exaggeration. She's been terrified of them ever since.

She'd rather be on the massive roller coaster the rest of their group of friends have gotten on. But May had a fear of roller coasters and she decided to be nice and accompany her.

"No, thank you," Lia furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head, eyes trailing towards the considerably short line to get on the bumper cars. "I don't want to die."

"Funny." May stopped at the end of the line, turning to Lia, laughing before her face goes completely straight and blank. "You think you have a choice."

Lia could only sigh and whip her phone out. She knows there was no way out whenever she's with May - there was something about the way she pouted her lips and whined that always got anyone and everyone to give her what she wanted.

They waited a few minutes, before their batch was next on the floor. But before they went in, May nudged her with her elbow. "Hey, isn't that Jordan Clarkson and a couple other Lakers?"

As May and Lia finally walked in to get to a car, she nodded as she scanned their familiar faces. "I think it should be. Listen, I haven't been on a bumper car in a really long time and-"

"Yeah, we're gonna ruin them," May nodded firmly as she hopped into hers and as Lia did the same. "Ruin them, Lia, you don't have a choice. We have to."

Lia snorted. "But you only want to get their attention in hopes of D'Angelo Russell or someone fucking you by the end of the night." She ties the makeshift seat belt around her waist, completely ignoring the fact that the round had already started.

Her car starts to move but she completely disregards it as she makes sure that things don't repeat from over a decade ago when she last got on a bumper car. She runs into a corner and she's stuck there, secretly satisfied with how she's secluded from the mess in the centre of the floor.

But someone obviously didn't know how to leave her alone when she clearly wants to be.

A car bumps into the back of hers and she jerks forward, giving her - what could possibly be - the biggest shock of her life. She curses to herself, rolling her eyes. She's never had any luck whenever she's on these things.

She whirls back, ready to get into a fight on such a good day but quickly backs away when she realises that Jordan Clarkson was grinning at her. "I happened to notice you were all alone in this corner and I wanted to ask you if you were okay."

She laughs. "I'm okay."

Suddenly May comes in and sends Jordan's car flying the other direction. "Lia, I told you to beat their asses; not let them beat you! Shape up!"

Jordan raised his eyebrow at May as she drove away then at Lia. "Well, come on. Beat my ass."

"I don't play like that. She forced me into this."

"Oh, come on. Are you scared you'd lose?"

"What? Jord-"

"Come on, Lia. Don't be a pussy."

Lia's jaw dropped and she laughed. "Okay, Jordan Clarkson, you are on." She manages to get her car out of the corner and she starts to chase Jordan around the floor. "Yeah, Jordan, run way from me like the pussy you are!"

"I'm sorry, weren't you the one who didn't even want to come fight me?" Jordan yelled back as he sped past D'Angelo, causing Lia to bump into D'Angelo's car and have him almost slide into the empty seat in his car.

"Hey, can y'all play nice?" D'Angelo screamed, glaring at both Jordan and the unfamiliar girl as he drove away to get someone else. "Twenty-four and childish, somehow."

The rest of the round, Jordan and Lia went around the entire floor bumping into each other. There was even once when they went from each ends of the floor and rammed into the other, creating a large collision that sent them flying back and up their seats.

And, you could say, with Lia and Jordan's competitive nature, that those three minutes they played were a ride. Jordan had fun but he would've had more fun if Lia didn't hand him his ass after a while when she'd gotten the hang of bumper cars again.

When the final buzzer rang, it was only a mere coincidence that Jordan had stopped just next to Lia's car. Lia furrows her eyebrows as she tries to untie the knot tied around her waist, and Jordan chuckles as he notices this.

"You need help, loser?"

Lia scowled. "Who you callin' a loser? I beat your ass out there."

Jordan shrugged. "You're still the loser." Lia nodded to his request anyway and he was careful not to overstep his boundaries by making her uncomfortable. It absolutely made him swoon when she didn't hold back into beating him.

As they walked towards the exit where their respective group of friends were waiting, Jordan turned to her with a similar grin from the first one he'd given her. "You wanna do this again sometime? But, my treat and it's only you and me."

Lia hummed as they got to their friends - all of them stepping in to have a little gossip. "I think that's called a date."

"Do you want it to be?" He smirked, looking down at her slyly. Lia gave him a look which had him chuckling. "Fine, then maybe it'll be a date."

Lia didn't answer but instead reached into her pocket for a random receipt she had from earlier. She gets a pen from May and started writing her phone number down, then tore the smaller piece of paper from the bottom of the long strip and handed it to Jordan. "Okay, then. Just call me."

She linked arms with May, babbling on about how she should get her set up with someone else on the team, walking over to their friends who had just gotten off the roller coaster. They were just about to completely walk off when Lia's phone rang in her pocket.

She gestured for her friends to walk first as she answered the phone call. "Yeah?"

"I'll pick you up at noon next Friday?" A smile tugged on her lips as she turned on her heel, furrowing her eyebrows at Jordan who's smiling at her smugly. His friends are crowded around him, waving and smiling at her goofily.

She chewed on her bottom lip, nodding. "I'll see you next Friday."




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