liar, liar » deandre jordan

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Larissa was good at avoiding people. It was always something she's been good at since she was young. It was something that came as both a blessing and a curse.

She once avoided the school librarian from middle school when she had overdue book for a good 6 months until she'd forgotten about the book and there was another time when she avoided this boy that she was dating in high school until he got the memo that she had a one sided, unspoken break up with him.

But there were also the times when it didn't exactly work and go according to plan. Like once, when she was in college, she was trying to avoid this boy who liked her that she ran into her professor who then proceeded to give her an assignment.

This was one of the times when her magical powers of avoiding didn't come in very handy.

She was back in Sephora, where she used to work just a few weeks back, avoiding her manager. She'd quit her job on the phone with her, and let's just say that the phone call didn't end on a very good note. So, not only was she unable to shop in peace, but her bad luck on that day was just on a roll.

She was just about to leave Sephora after paying for her things when her manager walked out of the break room. She had to bolt the moment she laid her eyes on her. She ran out of the store in a hurry with her head hanging low when she bumped into somebody's bigger body.

When she brought her head up to apologise, all of the air left in her lungs from running in her heels had been knocked out. She opened her mouth to apologise but no words came out and she didn't know how else to react. The only thing she managed to get out was his name: "DeAndre."

And it seemed like her name was also the only thing he could say. "Larissa."

Still not knowing what to say, she only repeated his name as if she was stuck in some kind of trance. Which wasn't entirely a bad thing in this situation because maybe if she kept acting like she was in a trance, then he'd just run along and leave. But she knew DeAndre of a person too well and he knew Larissa way too much to know that her trances never lasted more than 10 seconds.

"U- um... hey," Larissa stammered, looking up at him with wide eyes. She's completely forgotten that she was avoiding her former manager because it obviously didn't dawn her that she was behind a counter and watching the scene fold down. Larissa takes a step back and straightens down her shirt. "Hi, DeAndre. It's... it's um, it's nice to see you."

"Hey." His once stiff physique finally relaxed and he stared at Larissa. He wasn't sure of what to say either. He hasn't seen or heard from this woman for the better part of a year. "Hey, how have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

Larissa chuckled, a fake smile on her face. "Yeah, you really haven't."

Looking at DeAndre in front of her, within touching range, only flooded her mind back with unwanted memories of how their last meet up went down. And you could tell that that last meet up didn't end very well. Larissa was starting to believe that things in her life would never end on a good note with her unnecessary aggressiveness and ridiculous need to be right all the time.

He hesitated for a moment, but opened his mouth to ask her something: "Do you want to go for coffee or something? Catch up a little."

Her eyebrows furrowed and her heart started thumping loudly within her chest. "Pardon? I'm not quite sure if I heard you correctly."

"I asked if you wanted to catch up a little over coffee."

"Are you stupid?"

"What? Larissa, no, I'm-"

"Now, that question I just asked was stupid. You're just a moron."

"Larissa, what are you talking about?"

Larissa looked down at the ground chuckling softly. She immediately lifted her head anyway to look him dead in the eye. "You mean after what you said to me the last time we were this close to each other, you still expect me to be agreeing to going out to coffee with you?"

He was dumbfounded at this point. "But it's been a year. I thought you would've moved on by now."

"Moved on?" Larissa repeated with venom in her voice. It would hit a nerve in DeAndre's body if he knew what she was catching the attitude for. As far as he was concerned, asking your ex girlfriend out for coffee wasn't a sin. It's not like he had anyone at home that'll flip when she finds out. "Are you listening to yourself right now, DeAndre?"

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked away for a moment. "Um, yes? I just asked you out to coffee."

"A year ago, when our relationship was on the verge of falling apart, you made me a promise," she said softly and slowly as she took a step towards DeAndre. Their noses were slightly touching and her height disadvantage didn't seem to phase her one bit. If anything, he actually felt frightened of her because she's never acted like this to him once. "You promised me that you'd never leave me; that you'd never break my heart and that you'd be there with me through the ups and downs.

"It was the only thing that kept me alive, DeAndre, but then you left. You left even after you made that promise. Not to mention that the last time we had a conversation, you told me you didn't love me." She's moved on. At least she thinks she has. She couldn't forgive DeAndre. For some reason, she just couldn't. "So sometimes, I still asked myself how long ago did you stop loving me prior to the day you broke up with me?"

DeAndre stayed quiet. The only real reason they'd broken up was because there were people hating on Larissa. You know how celebrity dating could get. She didn't like the attention and she hated the criticism. They'd pushed her to the end but he reassured her that he would always stay but then broke that promise at the last minute.

"So here's your answer: no, we can't go to coffee," Larissa almost growled, "because I hate your guts and I never want to see you again. I thought I've made that clear already?"

"Larissa," DeAndre sighed. He opened his mouth but then closed it. He wasn't sure of what to say. Should he keep the act up or just tell her the truth? Should he say something that he knew she truthfully wanted to hear or something that matched her whole facade and silently break her heart a second time? "Larissa, listen to me."

"No," Larissa roughly shook DeAndre's hand off of her arm, "shut up, DeAndre. I don't want to listen to you right now."

There was a small crowd around them. Larissa and DeAndre only became one of the most talked about couples from the past year in the sport industry next to Stephen and Ayesha Curry. So to see the iconic and once loving duo in public together, talking, sure was a sight for Los Angeles passersby.

Larissa pushed past DeAndre, too caught up with the fact that she just bumped into her ex boyfriend to notice the crowd, but only got yanked back harshly. Her chest bumps against DeAndre and there is the tension building up once again.

"Back then, I lied when I told you I didn't love you. You needed to move on from me– I needed to protect you from me."

For a moment there, DeAndre could've sworn on his own life that Larissa believed him. Actually, Larissa did. But just for a moment before her brain reminded her how it ended the last time she put her trust in DeAndre.

Scowling, Larissa pushed DeAndre back, jerking him a step away from her. "Go to hell."


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