unphased » lamarcus aldridge

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i hate you for making me do this

LaMarcus had woken up to an arm being lifted off his body and an even smaller body moving away from him. She curled into a fetal position and pulled the duvet in with her.

With the gesture, the warmth was stolen away from him. He groaned, pushing her up off the spot where her body was lying on the duvet. "You always do this in your sleep," he muttered as he pulled it back over his body, "I'm starting to think you're just having fun stealing things from me."

He didn't expect an answer, only because Noelle was one of the heaviest sleepers he knew, but it came. "I stole your heart. It was tedious, if we're gonna be honest."

He laughed and patted her hair. "Just go back to sleep." Deciding to have his own fun, he yanked the duvet off of Noelle's small body and had the sleepiness in his system completely flush out when he sees a red spot on his white bedsheets.

It wasn't like it was the first time he's met m a girl who got her period. He has plenty for girl friends and a mother. And he's a hundred percent positive that all girls had a period of time in a month where blood just poured out of them.

He carefully got off the bed and grabbed a dark colored towel. He places it just below Noelle's bottom half and quietly got out of the room. If she woke up to herself moving away from him, the chances of her waking up knowing he left her could be pretty big.

Luckily, he'd gotten off the hook with it and he made his way down the kitchen to make some breakfast. Maybe some tea for the moment then he could just get some delivery later on for breakfast.

He and Noelle have been dating for approximately three and a half months by now, and there was still a wall that he's yet to break down from the shy girl — periods. On weeks when she had them, all he got from her was a phone call. Nothing more, nothing else.

Even when he's back in San Antonio, she just refused to see him and made up excuses. It was okay at first, but then it came to realisation that it only happened towards the end of the month even when they were just friends at the time.

He wanted her to feel comfortable around him. When she can freely talk about her period with him, then he knows she's let him in, right? He knew the girl's most embarrassing moment, maybe because he was there when it happened, so what could periods have that could possible top that?

He walks up the stairs carefully with the mug of tea in hand. He places it on the bedside and stared at Noelle on the bed. She has the ends of the duvet covering her nose and she turns the other way, moving over to the other side.

"Oh, my God," he mumbled, wrapping an arm around her to pull her back to the towel. "Stay there."

Noelle whined and waved her hand to push him away. He laughed and slowly padded away into the bathroom.

He turned the faucet on and made sure the water was warm, before shutting the drain and letting it get filled.

This wasn't the first time he's doing this. He remembered walking into the bathroom as a child with the bathtub getting filled with warm water by his dad for his mom because she had her period. So when his dad got busier, he started doing it for her.

And Noelle's actually the only girl he's dated long enough to be able to do this for. He grabbed one of the pink balls sitting in one of the drawers, one that he stole from Noelle's apartment, and dropped it into the water.

He watched in amusement for a couple moments as it fizzed, turning in the water and slowly tinting it pink. When he walked out, he found Noelle already on her feet and staring at the red stain with wide eyes.

He leaned back on the door frame, just watching her try to get herself out of it.

She ripped the bed sheet off, only to groan when she found that it'd seep onto the mattress. "Of course, this happens. Stupid blood. Stupid mother nature. I didn't bring pads, for god's sake."

She took the towel and the bed sheet into her arms and sighed. "I'll just run." When she turned, she found him smiling at her and she immediately brought the sheets up to cover her face. "Oh, my goodness, he's awake."

"There was a towel underneath you."

"I figured. Please let me leave."

"But I set up a nice little bath for you."

"And I am bleeding through my vagina."

"So does my mom. I came from one too, if we're gonna be real."

"Okay, smarty pants." She brought it down and finally showed her face, yet eyes refusing to meet his. "I'm gonna die of embarrassment."

"Girls bleed through their vagina, what's the big deal?" He chuckled as he made his way towards her. He slowly took her hands and dropped the stained fabric to the ground. "I set up a nice bath for you and then I'm gonna order some McDonald's."

"Oh, you'd do that for me?" She smiled slightly as she let him pull him towards his bathroom. As an athlete, he never ate much fastfood, but fastfood was practically the only thing she ate. "That's so sweet. Is that a bathbomb?"

"Yeah, I took it from your apartment."

"So that's where my bath bomb went to." She slowly stripped herself of her clothes and quietly went into the water after she rinsed her lower half. "Wait, where are you going?"

"To get some food and your phone," he chuckled. "You might get fidgety in here. I know you well."

She grinned sheepishly and giggled. "Thank you. For not freaking out and all. I'm sorry about the sheets, though."

He waved it off. "It happens." He walked out of the bathroom, but retraced his steps to look at her sternly. "Don't spill the water out. Love you."

"I'm gonna make it flood in here, don't test me."


this also really sucked

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