hannah montana » jordan clarkson

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"You've got everything?" Jordan asked, cocking his head slightly to glance at his girlfriend buckling her seat belt. "It's gonna be awhile before we actually get to San Antonio."

"I don't care," she shrugged. "I'm gonna see Kawhi Leonard anyway. Then I can go subtly kidnap him and threaten him to marry me then have my kids."

He threw his head back and pursed his lips together. He started to drive out of his driveway but he still didn't take the weird look off his face.


"Why would you want to go out of your way to kidnap Kawhi, then threaten him when I'm here — willing to marry your psychotic self?" Jordan questioned, snorting at her when she didn't answer. She simply slipped her phone out of her pocket and started going through her social medias.

It was less than an hour before she started to get fidgety. She was squirming in her seat trying to get into a more comfortable position, one where it wouldn't strain her back so much. Then she reached forward and switched the radio on but immediately switched it off when Fifth Harmony's song came on.

Jordan gasped and glanced between her and the busy roads of Los Angeles. "I am feeling that song! Work, work, work from home." He started to roll his body to dance, but she reached over and punched him lightly. "What?"

"That song is the stupidest song I've– nevermind. I forgot you filipino and like trash songs," she muttered, shaking her head in disbelief. "Let's play some Hannah Montana. You know who she is?"

"Obviously," Jordan scoffed. "Hannah Montana used to be my jam! Still my jam now, but since I'm filipino and listen to trash songs..."

"Shut up," she waved to dismiss him before the sound of the show's theme song started to blast from her phone and in his car. "You get the limo out front."

"Hottest styles; every shoe, every color," Jordan sang, wiggling around pouting his lips out and batting his eyelashes as he sang. "And when you're famous, it could be kind of fun... not!"

His girlfriend side eyed him before rolling her eyes. They continued singing the song at the top of their lungs as Jordan came to a stop because of the traffic. He didn't pay attention to it, only consumed by his girlfriend dancing and singing around with him.

He didn't think much of it until the song finished its bridge and got to it's final chorus where things got real for her. She rolled down the window and poked her head out.

"Who would've thought that a girl like me would double as a superstar?" She screamed, only to have him yank her back into the car. "Woo! You get the best of both worlds!"

She reached past him and took his sunglasses, sitting it down on the bridge of her nose. "Without the shades and the hair," she ripped the sunglasses off her face and yanked her extensions off casually as if it was something she did all the time, "you can go anywhere!"

"What the fuck!" He screamed, staring at the extensions resting on the palm of her hand casually. It didn't even phase her that she did this for the first time in front of him. "That's hair!"

As the song faded off in the background and she had the window back up again, she raised her eyebrow as Jordan. "What, you've never seen hair extensions before?"

She pulled the mirror down and started to clip it back on. He stared in amusement, only looking away to move the car forward in the traffic they caught themselves in at this time of day. He had his mouth agape as he stared at her put it back on.

And just like that, her hair looked like how it did a few minutes ago. The most mind blowing part was that it looked just like her real hair. He couldn't believe his eyes right now. If someone told him he was dreaming, he would believe them with no doubt.

She checked herself up in the mirror one last time before flipped it back up. Moving her hair to her right shoulder, she felt him staring right into the side of her face. She turned to face him, "what the fuck do you want?"

He breathed out and shook his head. He leans back and wipes his hand down on his pants. "That was the wildest thing I've ever seen you do."

She smirked, looking at him from the corner of her eyes. "You should see the things I can do in bed, honey."

oH so this wasn't requested but i was all up in my feels so you know your filipino girl had to write bout her fellow filipino boy because he fine af too like whaddup

but he's like eight years older than me (yet ricky rubio is ten years older and i think i have more chances with him than i do with jordan lmao the fuck)

WELP I HOPE YOU LIKED THIS ((because i'm totally not procrastinating your requests and books that i need to finish by january))

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