if it wasn't burnt » ben simmons

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for vibrantwrites-

Ben tiptoed into the bedroom balancing a food full of tray between his hands. He just had to walk out of the kitchen and then up the stairs and down the hall to get to their room.

He balanced the glass full of orange juice then a plate filled with Taylar's breakfast. There couldn't possibly be anything harder than what he just did in under 5 minutes because that was the most intense thing he's had to do in a while.

He placed the plate down on the bedside before lifting the duvet up and crawling under it to scoot closer to Taylar. "Baby." He wrapped his arms around her waist and rests his head by her shoulders. "Wake up."

Taylar whimpered, trying to brush him off. "Go away."

"Baby, it's your first day at work again," Ben chuckled, slipping his hand under her shirt to rub her stomach gently. "Come on. You just got promoted so you can't be late."

"I told you to go away," Taylar muttered. She grabbed the pillow her head is resting on then placed it over her head.

"But I made you breakfast." Ben tapped her hip gently and pressed a chaste kiss to her shoulder. "Come on, wake up. You're senior photographer now so you know you have to show up there on time. You have a shoot with a newly wedded couple right? The one who just had a baby?"

"No, I don't have to. I'm the boss of everyone," Taylar muttered. "Except for like one or two people. Doesn't matter. Anyways, I can go there late because I don't do anyone's makeup."

"And I wanna spend more of your conscious time with me." Ben sat up and ghosted his fingertips over her bare neck. Taylar shivered and rolled her eyes, smacking his hand away from her.

"Okay, fine," she whined, finally pushing herself off the bed. She sighed and stretched her neck as Ben reached over carefully and placed the tray on his lap. When she sees it, her eyebrows knit together. "You made me breakfast... in bed."

He nodded eagerly, pressing a chaste kiss to her cheek. "Yes I did."

"But you never cook."

"Are you exceptionally stupid in the morning or something?"

"Considering I just got woken up against my will, then maybe."

"Can't you just appreciate the effort and eat your breakfast?"

Taylar gave him a look but he just stared at her blankly. A smile creeps up her face and she swiftly reaches over to Ben and places the tray over her lap. "In that case, thank you."

There was orange juice in a cup and then some grilled cheese with butter on a plate. There's a chocolate bar by the corner and a folded paper.

She takes a bite out of her sandwich and Ben wraps his arms around her waist and rests his head on her side. She unfolds the small paper and starts reading.

i can't cook to save anyone's life but i decided i'll give it a go. i am so proud of you for all you've accomplished and i will always be your number one fan. i love you and have i mentioned that i am so so proud of you?

Taylar chuckled, wiping the ends of her mouth as she turned to look at Ben. "Why are you so cute? Impeccable timing, by the way, I'm a wreck. Inside and out."

"I know," Ben hummed, eyes closing as he tightened his grip on her. "You're trembling. Please don't choke."

Taylar nodded as she continued to eat her breakfast. But what made Ben confused was the fact that she's quiet at all. She's never one to stop rambling about how good the food is so he knows for a fact that he did something wrong with the way she liked her grilled cheese.

"This is perfect, Ben," Taylar grinned, "but you know what'd make it better?"

Ben sat up slightly to look at her. "What?"

Taylar's smile disappeared in a blink of an eye and she scowled: "if my breakfast wasn't fucking burnt, you wit!"

Ben frowned. "You know what? At least I fucking tried, okay?" He detaches himself from her, crossing his arms over his chest. "I try to cook my girlfriend breakfast because she's all promoted and shit and somehow that isn't enough."

Taylar shook her head and pursed her lips. She pulled him back, forcing a hard kiss to his cheek. "I'm just kidding, baby. I really appreciate this so thank you so much."

weLp i've watched some next level emo shit today because of doctor who like who gave anyone the right to write off amy and rory just like that like what the fuck



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