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“Lexi!,” Cinthya, my friend called. “It’s time. It’s the big day. Let’s go.”

“I’m coming. I’m coming.” I said. I brushed my wings and twirled to change into a white glittery dress.

“What’s taking so long?!” Jess, the guardian angel said as she entered my room. Her wings spread apart, knocking my entire vase out.

“Hurry up! We’re almost late for the Queen Grains and King Zack’s wedding.”

“I’m coming.”

“C’mon now. I’ll meet you there. You’re gonna make me late.”

I put on my shoe as I ran to the pavement and jumped letting my wings catch some air then I opened them and boom I went. I spread my arms as my feathers fluttered through the air.

Today was an important day for all angels. Our ruler, Queen Grains and our guardian of guardians, King Zack shall get married today at the Great Hall of Flight. Everyone has been looking forward for this magical day. Everyone has been praying for no interruptions.

I was thinking about the humans below us on how do they celebrate marriage when I realized I am lost. I don’t remember which way to the Great Hall. I think I might’ve made a wrong turn. Or missed one.

But not to worry, I’m an angel. I can do most anything.

I clapped my hands together and said, “Show me the Great Hall of Flight.” And then the clouds slowly turned into arrows as if they were directing me to the Hall. So, I followed them.

I followed thousands of clouds until I got to the last one. I finally reached the Great Hall and I was super late.

The ceremony already started. I entered from the back door hoping no one would notice me. I sat beside the cupids although there was a seat reserved for me in front where all the messenger angels are supposed to be. But, I didn’t want to draw attention to myself so I just stayed back.

“Will you, Zackary Davis, guardian of guardian angels take Grains Vohra, ruler of angels as your wife? To have and to hold and to cherish and protect?” said the priest.

“I do.” said King Zack.

“And do you, Grains Vohra, my ruler take Zackary Davis, our guardian as your husband?”

“I-.” Queen Grains muttered.

There was a loud noise coming from the outside.

Grains and Zack looked at each other with fright.

The door to the Great Hall was banging.  All the angels prepared for battle.

“DEMONS! DEMONS!” the messenger said. “DEMONS! DEM-” His voice faded away.

Screams from the angels grew.


My heart trembled as I reached for my glasses for at my bag. Ready to fight some demons. They mess with our party. They mess with all of us.

The door got knocked down and thousands of demons came crashing in, each of them setting fire here and there, tearing the whole place apart.

Everyone was fighting but we we’re outnumbered.

I gave a swift kick at a demon who was approaching me and I took my bow and arrow as I shot to and fro.

I looked from behind me and saw Cinthya blasting out ice from her harp freezing demons that came charging towards her.

A demon grabbed me by the hip tightly. I tried to jab him off but another demon came in front of me and grabbed ahold of my neck. The demon was squeezing my neck, I hardly can’t catch my breath anymore. I felt the light slowly leaving my eyes until King Zack blasted both demons away.

The demon holding my neck jabbed my glasses out with his spiky wings and I fell to the ground.

I had my eyes shut tight. I tried to feel the floor for my glasses but I couldn’t find it. I can’t do anything without them. I can’t fight. It’s too dangerous.

I crawled and I stretched my arm and I felt a smooth glass.

“My glasses!” I thought to myself.

I crawled near it and took it and wore it, my eyes still shut completely.

I stood up and that’s when I realized.

The glass was cracked.

To take caution, I was about to shut my eye but I caught a glimpse of a demon. My glasses slipped through my fingers as we looked each other straight in the eye.

I froze.

He landed in front of me. His wings brushed against mine as his black eyes stared right at me.

He took out his sword and I fell.

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