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Griffin’s heart was pounding. The Demons are going to attack the angels and kill every last feather.

Griffin arrived at the Heavens but there was a black gate blocking his way. He touched it and nothing happened.

Griffin raised his arm and tried to melt the bars away but nothing happened.

He tried to freeze it but nothing happened.

He tried to melt and freeze the bars but nothing happened.

Griffin heard a faint laughter coming from behind the bars.

“Only I can open these gates,” she said.

“Who are you?” Griffin asked.

She had light brown hair ponytailed behind her head, “I’m Hannah.”

“Could you please open these gates?” Griffin asked.

Hannah flew nearer to see who was behind the gates. She saw its wings and gasped.

She quickly reached into her pocket and took her glasses.

“You’re a Demon, go away!” she said.

Griffin took a deep breath. “Yeah, I know I’m a Demon. You’re an Angel. We clear now?” He pointed at the gates, “Now let me in.”

“No way!” Hannah screamed. “You’re a Demon. You don’t belong here,”

“No. Please, I need you to listen to me.” He began.

Hannah covered her ears, “La la la la la…not listening.”

“There are millions of Demons heading this way and they’re going to kill you. Warn someone. Warn your Master, please.” Griffin pleaded.

“Be prepared,” he said.

Hannah still had her hands on her ears. She didn’t hear any of this.

Griffin’s eyes sparked.

He reached at the opening of the gates and blew ice on Hannah.

Hannah looked shocked, “What? How do you have ice?”

“Let me in!” Griffin said.

“N-no,” Hannah muttered.

Hannah thought he was a fallen angel. An angel who has been banished from the heavens and as a punishment, the Goddess of the Skies turned them into the shape of a Demon, but they still retained their angel-like powers.

“A fallen angel trying to come home,” she thought. “They said if a fallen angel tried to go back to the Heavens, we must kill them.”

Hannah took her harp and reached out for Griffin’s wing. Griffin thought she was going to open the gates now and he came towards her.

Hannah blasted icicles out of her harp, the icicles burying on Griffin’s right wing bone, he lost control of his wing and down, down, he went.

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