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Griffin entered the Black Door.

“I’m…I’m done,” Lexi said.

Griffin looked at her from head to toe. He was dazzled. She no longer looked like an angel. She looked exactly what he wanted her to look like.

A demon.

Everything in her looked like a demon. Well, except her hair. It was red. Fire truck red.

He looked at her like she was his world. He didn’t realize he was staring at her.

“Hey,” Lexi said. She looked confused.

Griffin shook his head.

“Uh what?” he asked.

“I’m done.” Lexi said, “Why am I in these clothes?”

“Blend in.”

“Blend in?” she asked nervously.

“Come with me,” he grabbed her arm but she avoided his cold arms.

He gnashed his teeth. He wanted to hold her. He knew she was scared of him.

“Don’t worry,” he said. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

Lexi twitched her eyebrows. Besides the fact that he is cold as ice, he said he wasn’t going to hurt her.

She left her clothes in there and Griffin forgot to take the Black Jar.

“Come here.” Griffin said, he waved his arms toward me.

I stepped out of the Pitch Black room. Now, I can see something. Still dark though, but at least I can see.

“I said come here,” Griffin said.

I stood beside him, “Where are you taking me?”

“Outside,” he said with a smile.

I looked down. “Why is he smiling at me?” I thought to myself.

“Take my hand,” his voice was gentle.

“Wh-what?” I asked.

“Do you trust me?”

Silly. What makes him think I’d say yes. I was going to say no but the words that slipped my lips was.


What just happened?

He looked at me. His black eyes were shining.

He took my waist, and together we ran.

Our wings picked up some speed. We were just about to fly off the dock, when someone grabbed Griffin’s wing.

“Where do you think you’re going?” a girl asked.

“Maya. Let go of me.” Griffin said.

So. Her name was Maya. She had fuzzy brown hair. It was the color of mahogany wood. Her hair was all over the place.

She wasn’t like Griffin. Her eyes were flaming red. And her wings were untidy. I can feel her heat slowly melting me, but I stayed close to Griffin.

His extreme coldness made me feel safe from all the heat down here.

Maya looked at me suspiciously. She started to come towards me but Griffin blocked her.

“Who is this?” Maya asked, pointing at me.

“That’s none of your business,” he said.

“Is she a new demon? I haven’t seen her around here.”

“I said, that’s none of your business. Fly away.”

I can feel his coldness battling her fire. Maya grew weak as she stared right at him.

“Griffin, come with me. Let’s go to the dungeons,” she said, giving me a sharp look.

“Go away, Maya. I don’t want you here,” he said.

She pursed her lips.

“Please?” she pleaded.

“May-maybe you should go with her.” I interrupted.

Wrong move.

Griffin gave me a look like he was about to rip my wings out. I pressed my lips together and looked away.

“She’s right.” Maya said. She started to feel his wings up.

I felt a cling on my stomach.

Griffin pulled away and pushed her. She fell to her butt, crushing her wing bone.

I can see Maya’s tears. I felt sorry. I wanted to help her.

“Go. Away.” Griffin said.

Maya stood up. She was limping and her left wing broken.

“I just wanted to go to the dungeons with you,” she said.

“Well, I don’t want you here. Go away before I break you in two,” he said.

He turned his back away from her. He took me by the hips again and this time, we flew away.

I can still feel her looking at us. I know she’s looking at us. I wanted to let go of Griffin and help Maya.

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