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The heat woke me up. I don’t remember anything. I have no idea what just happened.

Everything is dark and…and… I’m in a…


I tried to freeze the bars but it was too hot. Not even ice can do anything.  I have no recovery of what happened. Except…except…black eyes staring at me.

I tried to remember what happened but I heard something coming near my cage. I can’t see anything. It’s pitch black.

I stuck my hand out to the bars between the cage and tried to create some light but nothing happened. Guess my powers don’t work here.

I let out a high scream when I felt something cold grab my arm. I tried to jerk it off but it was no use. The grip was getting tighter every time I tried to jerk it off.

It put back my arm in the cage and said, “Don’t put your arm out if you don’t want to burn.”

I let out a deep breath. “Where am I?” I asked.

“Underworld.” It replied. “You’re in prison with the demons. Don’t put your arm out if you don’t want to burn.”


I didn’t know the Underworld also had cold creatures there. Demons are usually hot. One touch, and they can melt you. That something that grabbed my arm wasn’t demon. It was cold. Cold as ice.

It became bright. I realized a demon turned on some torches. I looked around and so no one else. There were only 2 of us in here.

I closed my eyes as the demon flew towards me.

“You don’t have to close your eyes.” He said.

That voice. The same voice the cold one who grabbed me and told me to not put my arm out.

I was mistaken. I thought he was a demon, but he’s not even warm so I opened my eyes.

Black eyes stared right at me. I gasped.

Those were the same eyes that stared at me before I lost myself. But, he can’t be a demon can’t he?

I looked at him from wing to feet.

Spiky black wings, cold black eyes, pale white skin, black hair freely flowing, breathes as cold as the winter snow.

He had all the characteristics of a demon: enchanting and beautiful.

Except, the fact that he is cold. Demons are supposed to be hot as the burning fire not cold as the winter snow.

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