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“Something’s up with Lexi,” Jess said. “I can feel it.”

“Did she even say where she went?” Kelsey asked.

“No,” Jess replied. “That’s why I find it so fishy. She was such in a hurry to talk to the Queen.”

Cinthya shook her head.

“What about you, Cinthya?” Kelsey pointed to her.

“Wh-what?” Cinthya mumbled.

“What do you think is up with Lexi?” Kelsey asked.

“I really don’t want to say anything,” Cinthya said.

“Cinthya…” Jess raised her voice.

“Ok, fine.” Cinthya began. “It’s weird how she was wearing a black dress. What if she’s not really Lexi?”

Kelsey gasped, “That’s what I thought too!”

“No.” Jess said. “If she was a Demon, Hannah could’ve sensed it.”

“Oh right,” Cinthya said. “Oops.”

Jess shook her head. “I’m surrounded by idiots,” she thought.

Kelsey stood up, “Hey look it’s Lexi!”

“Lexi!” they all screamed.

Lexi came towards them and they all gasped.

“So, the Queen ripped my wings.” Lexi mumbled.

Cinthya fell on her knees as she hugged Lexi.

“Lexi,” Cinthya began, tears covering her face.

“I fell in love with a Demon. She told me to forget him but… I refused to.” Lexi explained.

Cinthya let go of her, “You fell in love with a Demon?”

“How could you? They’re cruel.” Jess gasped.

“He’s different. He was nice to me,” Lexi defended.

“Lexi!” Kelsey raised her voice, “He stole you. From us.”

“Yes. I know, but he took care of me and hid me. He protected me,” Lexi explained.

Jess shook her head, “Do you know how deceiving Demons can be?”

Lexi rolled her eyes.

“I agree with the Queen. Forget about him for the sake of all of us. For our safety,” Cinthya said.

Lexi clenched her fists.

“No,” she refused.

Jess charged at Lexi and pinned her down, “You WILL forget about this poisonous dream! He has deceived you. He doesn’t love you back!”

Lexi shook her head, “That’s not true! You don’t know him like I do.”

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