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It can’t be, can it? There’s no way Griffin is part of the battle. He was being chained up when I last saw him.

I felt someone pat my back. “Poor wingless Angel,” he said.

I pushed him away. “Stop it, Jacob.”

“You caused this,” he began.

I hated him. I don’t even know why I liked him in the first place.

I looked around me and everyone was prepared for battle. Unlike that one wedding at the Great Hall, it was a surprise attack.

I wore my glasses to protect me from looking at a Demon again. This time, I strapped it together to make sure it wouldn’t get knocked off.

There was a loud bang on the door.

I can already feel their heat.

And, another bang on the door

I prayed to the Goddess of the Skies that Griffin isn’t part of this or if he was… I would fly away with him.

I watched the golden doors melt away as I raised my bow ready to shoot.

The doors slowly melted away and the first head I saw was Griffin.

I gasped.

“Get away from here,” I thought. “You will be slaughtered.”

What is he doing here?

The doors melted away completely and the Angels flew high above as they froze every Demon.

I stared. I was the only one in the ground.

I stared at Griffin who didn’t seem to notice me. I fell to my knees when I saw his arms wrapped around Needa.

Everything went blank.

I remembered his wings brushing against mine, his coldness protecting me from the heat. He had his arms wrapped tight around Needa like when his arms wrapped around mine.

I watched them soar high above as they fought Angels.

Needa took her sword and stabbed it in Jacob’s wing.

Jacob lost control and fell right beside me.

I looked at Jacob and his wings were bleeding. I stared at him as his right wing slowly turned to ash.

“Lexi,” he cried. “Help me.”

I could’ve saved him and use my healing powers but I just stared at him. 

My last conscious thought was of my biggest mistake- not the boy beside me, but the one I could never have.

“Lexi!” Cinthya cried from up above. “Watch out!”

I turned around and saw the Demon that chained Griffin up when I left.

I tried to run as fast as I could but she was a fast flyer.

She blasted fire and it hit my arm. I fell down as she came on top of me.

She hissed. “What’s the matter, Angel?”

I cried. I tried to blow ice on her and freeze her but it was no use. She was too powerful.

“Do you think you can just come to the Underworld and look at Griffin in the eye and still be alive?” she began. “You know the rules.”

I stretched my legs and kicked her wing but flames rose on the spot where I kicked it burning my shoe.

She laughed.

“I’m the princess here,” she began. “I’m Paige and I will finish you off.”

I looked above me and I saw Griffin still holding on to Needa. My world felt like it was going to crumble to pieces.

He doesn’t love you. Demons can’t love. They have no heart.

Those words played into my ears back and forth.

Sweat dripped into my forehead as Paige opened her palms creating a blinding fireball.

I closed my eyes, ready to die.

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