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“You can let me go,” Needa said.

“Why should I do that?” Griffin asked, still holding on to her.

“You don’t even want me,”

Griffin sighed. “You’re bringing this up now? In the middle of a battle?”

Needa stabbed her sword into an Angel as she watched it turn to ash.

“If you let go of me, I can just fight the Angels at ground.”

Griffin held tighter.

“I won’t.”

Needa smiled as she continued to stab Angels.

Griffin’s eyes wandered around the skies looking for Lexi.

“Griffin!” Needa shouted. “Watch out!”

Griffin kicked the Angel approaching them and Needa blasted fire towards the Angel.

It was pure teamwork.

Needa heard a faint scream from below. She looked down.

She saw Paige warming her fireball, as she got ready to fire onto Lexi.

“Finish that bitch,” she thought.

“Needa!” Griffin yelled. He blocked the block of ice coming for Needa.

“Griffin,” Needa whispered.

She looked at Griffin’s arm. It was bleeding.

Needa shot a big hot fireball towards the Angel that shot the ice.

“You saved me,” Needa said.

Griffin smiled. “It’s nothing.” He blew ice on his arm as he watched his cut turn into a scar.

Needa let out a sigh of relief.

She held his arm, “I’m glad you’re okay.”

Griffin smiled at her.

Needa felt butterflies on her stomach. Her knees grew weak. She loved every bit of Griffin’s smile. It was her universe.

“Griffin,” Needa whispered.

He raised his eyebrow.

“Look down,” she ordered.

Griffin looked down and he saw Paige torturing Lexi, she watched her turn slowly into ashes.

Griffin gasped and let go of Needa.

“Griffin!” Needa screamed as she fell from the air.

He was stiff at the sight of Lexi not having any wings attached to her back, and half of her turning to ash.

Griffin closed his eyes and listened to Lexi’s scream.

He clenched his fist and took a deep breath.

Griffin opened his left palm and fire formed; he opened his right palm and ice formed. His left wing slowly turned white, as his right wing remained black.

Needa can see Griffin’s wing slowly turn into an Angel’s wings.

She gasped as she tried to stand up but her wings we’re mangled and broken and it hurt to move her shoulder.

Griffin opened his eyes and his black eyes were burning red and freezing ice. He folded his wings as he dove down towards Paige.

His fist clenched and his wings burning on one side, and freezing on the other.

Griffin knocked Paige out on top of Lexi.

He put his hands together as he watched the fire and ice collide.

Paige gasped and raised her arm and pointed it towards Griffin.

Fire and ice vs. Fire

Griffin shot at Paige with all his might and he slowly burned her wing.

Paige heated up and made her fire grow hotter as Griffin kept firing.

Paige closed her eyes as she looked at Griffin continuing to shoot at her.

Paige’s wing almost torn when Griffin fell, blood rushing down his stomach.

“Griffin!” Needa yelled.

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