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I flapped my wings and I felt tears running down my face. I can never forget the look on his face when he told me to fly away.

Sweat dripped down my wings and I wish I was with Griffin to protect me from the heat.

“Hey!” I heard someone yell from behind.

I looked and I saw a Demon.

It was Needa.

I stopped and turned around.

“Needa,” I began.

I wanted to talk to her but she raised her arm and pointed it towards me.


She blasted flame on me and hit my lower wing. My feathers quickly turned to ashes and floated above, glittering turning to stars.

I followed it.

“Come back here, you bitch.” Needa yelled.

I ignored her and kept following the trails of my ashes.

I couldn’t resist the heat anymore.

She kept firing towards me.

I tried to fire ice on her but my powers weren’t strong enough.

The heat in the Underworld melted it away.

I need Griffin.

She blasted again, this time hitting my wing bone.

My flight decreased but I blew ice out my mouth to get some speed. I kept blowing until I was high above again.

Bitch!” she kept yelling.

“Stop this, please.” I yelled at her.

“You need to die,” she said. “Griffin and I were meant to be then you came!”

Hahahaha. Is she being legit?
I stopped flapping my wings and shot ice at her. She got blew away by my winter storm.

My powers are working now?

I looked above me. There was a bright light. It was the heavens.

I picked up speed and blew more ice as Needa kept shooting flames at me.

I soared above and closed my eyes.

Gates. I see gates. It’s the gates to the heavens

“Hannah! Let me in!” I yelled to the protector of the Heavens. “Hannah!”

“Lexi!” Hannah shouted.

Needa was coming towards me.

Her claws ready to rip me apart.

The gates were still closed. I smashed on the bars.

“Hannah! Open the gates!” I yelled. “Quick!”

“H-hold on!” Hannah panicked. “W-wait”

I can see from below me Needa was full-on fire. Her black wings covered with flames and her arms stretched out ready to grab me.

“Hannah!” I cried.

“Wait!” she said, “I can’t find the key.”

This is it. I’m about to be toast.

I closed my eyes as I cried.

All hope for me is lost. I’m going to die and turn to ash.

I muttered, “Griffin, I love you.” under my breath.

Then, I felt someone grab my arm and pull me in.

“Graaah!” I heard Needa scream as Hannah shut the gates on her.

“You’re safe now,” Hannah said.

I opened my eyes and looked at Needa. I felt sorry for her.

Her right wing got caught in the gate. Leaving her with only her left wing.

I looked at her as she fell, unable to fly.

“Nooo!” I heard her painful sobs.

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