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You can’t be with him.

Those words played back and forth in my ears. I mean, I’m well aware that I’m not supposed to be with a Demon.

But he isn’t even a Demon. He’s just raised by Demons. And lives in the Underworld.

Ok. Maybe he’s a Demon, sort of.

“Did you hear me?” the Queen asked.

“Um,” I muttered. I tried to find myself.

“You’re not allowed to be with him. Forget him,” she explained.

I shook my wings and let out a deep breath. I was breathing heavily.

“I forbid it,” her voice raised.

I finally pulled myself together and realized what she was saying was bullshit.

Oh god. I said bullshit.

“No,” I said. Those words slipped right in my mouth.

“Excuse me?” the Queen looked taken a back.

She held my head.

I pushed her hand away, “Get off me!”

She took me by my wing, “You will forget him.” She screamed

“No!”  I began, “I will not.”

“So be it,” she said.

“I love him…I really do.” I clarified.

She began to rip my wings apart but I didn’t feel any pain. I looked at her while she did it.

The Queen looked surprise that I wasn’t crying.

I didn’t care, to be honest. If I can’t be the one who makes me happy, I’d rather not be anywhere else.

I heard my wings getting torn apart. I shut my eyes and covered my ears. I tried to think of Griffin as the Queen ripped my wings apart.

I miss his cold black eyes, his freezing fingertips. And, his wet lips pressed on mine. He made me feel safe, safer than any place made me feel.

Every time I looked at his eyes, I can see my life with him. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. Until the day I turn into ash, I will fight for him.

If I can’t be with him, I can’t be with anyone else. No matter the consequences.

“Leave my sight,” the Queen said.

I looked at her…both of her hands filled with glitter. She was holding both my wings. I didn’t care.

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