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I opened my eyes when I felt the pain stop.

I stood up and I tried to get myself together. I looked around and Demons were surrounding me.

I looked at the Angels and all of their eyes were wide. The Demons were crying. Their flaming hot tears burned their face.

I felt someone touch my shoulder, “Lexi.” He said.

Oh god. Him again.

“Jacob, I told you–” I began.

He pointed towards me. “Look,” his voice was weak.

I looked forward and my mouth dropped.

Griffin. He was covered in blood.

“No!” I yelled.

Needa looked at me. Tears covered her eyes. She backed away from Griffin and gave me way.

“Griffin,” I cried.

I took his head and put it in my lap as I wrapped my arms around him.

“Lexi,” he managed to smile.

“Griffin, I–”

“Shhh,” he put his fingers on my lips.

“Stay with me,”

He smirked.

“I will.”

I slapped him. “Then, don’t die.”

“I’m not gonna die, you fucking idiot.”

The Angels gasped around me.

“Lexi, I’m sorry.” Said Cinthya. “I didn’t mean to. I panicked.”

“Save it,” I said.

Griffin put his palms on my cheek. I took his hands and closed my eyes.

I really did miss his cold body next to mine.

He wiped away my tears as I stroke his wing.

I touched his stomach, where he was stabbed and tried to heal him.

“Don’t,” Griffin said. “Don’t do it.”

His voice was faint. “I love you," As the words left his mouth, his lips pressed to mine, giving me the most intense and explosive kiss I had ever had. With the coldness of his lips and the warmth of his tongue beneath mine I saw fireworks and felt them through every part of my body.

I held tightly on his hand as I felt his cold lips.

“You’re my everything,” he whispered.

I watch the light slowly leave his eyes. His once black eyes, now white.

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