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“Stop crying,” the Queen said. “They’re gonna need your strength, you know. I need your strength.”

“You’re right,” the King said.

“You know,” Queen began. “We didn’t really finish our ceremony at the Great Hall.”

The King smirked.

“Yeah,” he said. “We didn’t get the chance to kiss.”

The Queen’s eyes grew wide. That’s not what she meant.

“Oh, um yeah.” The Queen muttered.

The King walked towards the Queen, “So…” he began.

“So,” she finished.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” the King’s voice was soft.

The Queen laughed, “Oh Zack…” she cried. “Well, no.”

“Well, you’re beautiful.” He said as he stroke her dress.

“Zack,” she said under her breath.

“Don’t.” the King said. “Sit down.”

The Queen sat and Zack kneeled in front of her.

He looked at her like she was everything in the world, “You’re so beautiful,”

She smiled.

Icicles started to grow on the edge of her wings.

The King laughed.

He took his hand and took her hair away from her face.

“Just…let me get this off of here,” he began.

The Queen swallowed, “Um…”

“Shhh,” the King said. “I said don’t.”

The Queen closed her eyes.

She felt his cold hands cup her cheeks and his wings wrapping her.

“Grains, my Queen.” He began. “You’re my everything.”

He pressed his lips on hers.

The King clung to her more tightly, knotting his hands on her hair, trying to tell her with the press of his mouth on hers, all the things he could never say out loud in front of the angels: I love you. I love you and I don’t care that you’re my Queen.

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