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I was in a room alone with Griffin. He was flying in circles around the room.

“What do we do?” I asked. “They’ll kill me. And they’ll kill you when they find out.”

“Shut the fuck up, bitch.” He said.


“Listen, I’m sorry,” he took my hand.

“For what?” I asked.

“Everything.” He started to fly away but I stopped him.

I took his hands and I pressed my body against his.

He looked me in the eye. His black eyes were sparkling like diamonds.

I stood in my toes. He tried to push me away but I held on tight. I put my mouth near his hears, “Why? Why did you kiss me? Why did you take me? And… why are you protecting me?”

He blinked twice and tried to avoid my warm breath near his icy ears.

“Answer me,” I ordered. I snapped my fingers.

I used my powers against him. I can make him answer anything I want.

He laughed.

“Your powers don’t work on me, Angel,” he hissed. “I’m an angel too.”

I dropped and lost myself.

I’m an angel too.
“N-No you’re not,” I stammered.

“Well, yeah. I am not… sort of. My parents are angels but Master Adrian raised me as his own little demon.” He explained.

He rubbed his hands together and sat beside me.

“Back before all the guardian angels and guardian demons. There was a war between the Ruler of Angels and the Ruler of Demons. Of course, it was pretty clear that the Angels won the battle. You’re the one whose above us.”

I smiled.  I already know the story of this but I didn’t interrupt. I loved every single word that came out of his mouth. His voice was music to my ears.

“The Ruler of Angels made a deal to conceal peace with her angels: for the banishment of Demons in the Underworld. In exchange of that deal, the Ruler of Demons asked for the Angel Ruler’s only son.”

My eyes grew wide. He is the Forgotten King.

“I am that son,” he finished. “That’s why I am cold. Cold as ice.”

“B-but are you an angel or a demon?” I asked

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