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“Can you really bring him back?” the Queen asked.

“My powers are for Angels, not Demons.” the Goddess replied.

“He’s not a Demon,”

“My powers are for full blood Angels, pure ones.” She repeated.

The Goddess pointed to Griffin’s ashes. “This!” she yelled.

“Is why you should never look a Demon in the eye,” she looked at me.

She pointed to Needa, “And you…were supposed to be his destiny.”

“All of you have ruined your fate. And therefore, all of you shall be punished.”

“No!” the Queen yelled, “Enough with your punishments.”

The Goddess ignored her.

“Griffin’s ashes shall be left scattered here…he is not to be turned into a star. He isn’t pure enough to be a part of my Skies.” She began.

“Lexi – you are to live the rest of your life without your wings. Cinthya, you are to be banished from the Heavens and you must stay in the Underworld.”

“WHAT NO,” Cinthya yelled. “Please. Anything but the Underworld.”

“What you have done today is against an Angel’s will. You have killed someone.” The Goddess explained.

Cinthya kneeled down and kissed the ground.

“Please,” she pleaded. “Not the Underworld.”

“It’s not that bad there.” Hannia joked.

  “Please,” Cinthya cried. “Please.”

“No,” the Goddess said. “I will take your angelic powers and replace them with demonic powers. Since what you did today, is after all…demonic.”

Cinthya closed her eyes.

The Goddess worked her magic on Cinthya and her white wings became black. Her brown hair became dark as the night. Her harp disappeared and turned into a sword.

The Goddess touched Cinthya’s mind and erased her memory.

“No!” Kelsey yelled, “Please.”

Cinthya opened her eyes. Her once brown eyes are now black as the night.

She walked towards the Demons.

“Welcome,” the Master said.

“And as for you!” the Goddess began pointing at Adrian.

“You are to not leave the Underworld at all. Once your wings touch the light, you shall perish.”

The Master gasped.

“Now, go away and make peace.” She ordered. “And never return to the Heavens. Stay there. Where you belong. The Underworld.

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