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Maya touched her heart. She can feel it pounding.

The way Griffin stood up to the Master showed her how much Griffin loved that nasty fucking bitch ass angel.

“What’s wrong with me?” Maya thought to herself.

She was beautiful. Her brown curly locks flowed over the place. She had dark brown eyes and her wings were dark as the mahogany wood.

She was the most beautiful Demon in the Underworld. Every Demon wanted her. All of them wanted her attention.

Griffin didn’t want anything to do with her, and why is that? She thought.

Maya looked at her hand. It was brown as always.

“What’s with her?” Maya thought. “She’s not even beautiful,”

Maya felt someone stroke her wing.

“Get off me,” Maya said.

“Don’t exaggerate over Griffin so much,” Hannia began. “It’s like you have any chance with him.”

Maya’s eyes burned, “What did you say, Hannibal?

Hannia gave her a dirty look. She hates it when someone calls her Hannibal. It made her feel ugly like the monster, Hannibal. She would always blame the Master for naming her after an ugly creature.

“I said,” Hannia began. “We all know Griffin and Needa are the ones who is destined for each other.”

Maya let out a deep breath and light fire came out of her nostrils.

“Face it, Maya.” Hannia said. “You may be the most beautiful Demon around here but we all know you can’t ever capture the most handsome Demon here.”

“He’s not even a Demon!” Maya exclaimed.

“Oh but he is. He is after all raised by Demons and lives in the Underworld.” Hannia confirmed. “Oh yes, Griffin’s a Demon alright.”

Maya clenched her fist. Hannia brushed her wings on Maya’s face.

Maya coughed from the ashes that came out Hannia’s wings.

“Give it up,” Hannia said. “Stop trying. Griffin doesn’t like you. He likes the Angel, but he is destined to be with Needa.”

“Shut up!” Maya said.

“Accept the truth. Their wings share the same feathers. Their powers are similar. You’re nothing compared to Needa,” Hannia said.

“I said shut up!” Maya yelled.

“Think about it,” Hannia said and she flew away.

Maya fell to her knees, tears running down her face. What is she anyways compared to Needa? Griffin didn’t want her anyways. Should she just stop?

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