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“Demons! Prepare for battle!” Paige shouted.

Master sat on his burning throne as he looked at all the Demons assembling for battle.

“The troops are prepared,” Paige said.

“Alright,” Master tapped his fingers on the arm rest of his chair.

“Paige,” he said.

“Yes, Master.”

“No. I’m talking to you as your dad.”

“Oh. Well, yes dad?”

“Did Griffin hurt you?”

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Paige began. “It was a long time ago.”

Adrian tilted his head, “Did he?”

Paige cried, “Yes. He led me on. I thought I was his everything. I thought I meant to him as much as he meant to me.” She sniffed.

“But, he fell in love with that mortal.”

“I killed her,” the Master said.

“Yes, but that didn’t bring Griffin back to me. He ignored me. He threw away everything we’ve been through.”

“He needed to mourn,”

“I know that, dad.” Paige said. She wiped away her tears. “I have him time to mourn for her death, it’s been years. And he still acts like he doesn’t know me.”

Master Adrian stroked his daughter’s wings. Flames rushed down through his spine.

“Paige,” he said. He took her chin.

Paige sniffed.

“He’s in love with an Angel,” the Master began.

“But he said he doesn’t love her,” Paige said.

“He does. I can tell he does,” the Master smiled. “But it’s not allowed.”

“He’s not even a Demon,” Paige explained.

“Oh. He is.” the Master said, “He may have been born from Angels but he grew up here. His lifestyles are demonic. The only thing angelic about him is his skin.”

Paige raised her eyebrows.

“And, since that Angel looked him straight in the eye…you know what’s going to happen right?” Master Adrian asked.

Paige smiled.

 “Would you like to do be the one to do it?” he asked.

“With pleasure,” Paige laughed.

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