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“You seriously asking me to fly with you now?” Needa asked.

“Didn’t you want to fly with me?” Griffin joked. “C’mon, now you can fly with me.”

Griffin stretched out his hand for Needa to reach.

“Take my hand, faggot.” He said.

She laughed. She opened her wings and hoped Griffin won’t notice that her wings malfunctioned.

She flapped her wings as she held on to Griffin’s hand…tightly.

He smirked, “Why are you so scared?”

“I’m not,” Needa said.

Needa noticed they were high up in the air and she still hasn’t fell. Griffin made her feel safe. It was like magic. She looked at her wings. Both of them flapped properly, her feathers freely flowing in the air.

He looked at Griffin. His black eyes were so beautiful and his cold hands slowly melted her away.

“Griffin?” Needa spoke, softly.

“Yeah?” Griffin whispered.

“Can I ask you something?”

“About what?”

“Your heart.”

Griffin looked at her, “Why?”

Needa pressed her lips together and took a deep breath, “I just want to know something.”

“Fine,” Griffin said. He turned his eyes back on air.

“Marina, that mortal you fell in love with.” Needa began. “Is she beautiful?”

“Why are you asking this?” Griffin asked.

“You haven’t answered my question yet,”

“No,” he said sharply.

“Oh.” Needa said, “What about Lexi, the Angel?”

“No,” he replied.

“Then why–” Needa began.

“Why did I fall in love with Marina? It’s not because of her looks. It’s not because she didn’t have wings either,” Griffin clarified.

“Then what did you see in her?” Needa asked.

Griffin let out a deep breath, “Why are you so interested?”

“I’m just curious. Our wings share the same feathers. I have the right to know. Was she like Lexi too?”

 “Yes. And it’s something you'll never be,” Griffin said.

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