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King Zack fell to his knees as the Queen told him all about what happened with Lexi.

“And that’s why I ripped her wings out,” the Queen finished.

“Oh, Grains!” the King threw his arms around the Queen.

“It’s finished. There’s nothing to do,” she said.

The King stood up as he leaned forward to kiss the Queen, she closed her eyes as he puckered his lips ready to touch hers.

“DEMONS! DEMONS!” Jacob said.

The King pulled away from the Queen.

The Queen licked her lips, “What?” she yelled.

“Demons!” Jacob said, “There’s a lot of them approaching the gates.”

“Angels!” she yelled, “Prepare for battle!”

“Reload your bows, sharpen your arrows and freeze your harps!” the King ordered.

All the Angels scattered and here and there, all Angels were preparing for battle. Reloading their bows, sharpening their arrows and freezing their harps.

Cinthya took her harp and she blew ice on it as she watched the harp freeze preparing herself for battle.

“I don’t have any armor,” Lexi yelled.

“This is all your fault.” Said Jess. “If you haven’t fallen in love with that Demon this shouldn’t be happening,” Jess turned her back away from Lexi and gave her a look of disgust as she reloaded her bow.

“Here, Lexi!” Kelsey threw her a bow and arrow. “Don’t mind her. She’s just worked out from finding you and from the King’s wrath.”

Lexi smiled.

“Thanks,” she mumbled as she stretched her arms and pop her shoulders.

“Oh right,” she thought. “My wings.”

“Guess you’ll have to keep the fight here in the ground,” Cinthya said.

“Yeah. On the ground.”

“It’ll be OK. You’ll be in less danger than all of us,” said Kelsey.

Jess crossed her arms.

“Yeah,” she hissed. “A danger she caused.”

“Jess…this isn’t helping,” Kelsey said.

Jess flew away with the rest of the angels to stand guard at the door.

“Release the frozen arrows!” the King commanded.

The cupids shot frozen arrows in to the sky and landed on the door freezing every demon that walks past it.

“That should delay them,” the Queen said.

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