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I cried. I stared at his ashes.

I waited for his ashes to glitter and turn to stars, but nothing happened.

He’s really gone.

“Griffin, come back.” I cried. “Please,”

“Lexi…he’s gone.” Kelsey said.

“YOU!” I heard Maya yell. She raised her arm and tried to kill Cinthya.

“No,” the Master said. “Killing her wouldn’t bring him back.”

Wouldn’t bring him back.

No. There must be some way to bring him back.

“Goddess,” a voice whispered from behind Needa.

I saw a Demon step from behind her, “The Goddess.”

I wiped away my tears, “What?”

“Pray to the Goddess,” he said.

“William…the Goddess doesn’t resurrect Demons like Griffin.” Said Maya.

Maya’s voice was weak, “The Goddess isn’t ours.”

A thought came to my head. If we have our own Goddess, then they must also have theirs.

“Do you Demons have a Goddess?” I asked.

“No,” the Master said. “We don’t.”

“We have Hades,” William said.

I stood up. My eyes brightened.

“Can he bring b–” I stammered.

“Hades can’t bring him back! If you haven’t looked at him in the eye…this would’ve never happened! If you just let me kill you.” Paige yelled. “You’re the one who was supposed to die! Not Griffin!”

I fell to my knees again and I took Griffin’s ashes.

“Griffin come back!” I yelled, “Please, come back!”

My tears slowly filled my hands as it wet the ashes.

“Enough,” a voice from above called.

“The Goddess!” the King yelled. “Bow down.”

Every Angel bowed down before her…except me.

 “Lexi!” Jess whispered. “Something wrong with your knees?”

I ignored her.

I cupped my hand next to my face letting my tears drip down his ashes.

“I love you, Come back.” I whispered.

I felt someone touch my head.

“Lexi. Stand up,” the Goddess said.

“No,” I refused. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“If you want him to live. You will obey me,” the Goddess said.

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