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I was 13. As I sat just outside of the Jedi Council Chamber, a young boy walked in and sat across from me. He was probably a year or so older than me, with spiky light brown hair and a braid reaching just below his arm pit. His eyes though, were beautiful. They were bright blue, filled with hope and love. Those eyes kept a gaze on mine. The connection I felt between him was so intense. Both ends of his lips curved into a smile.

The boy sat up in his chair, "hello."

"Hi," I mumbled. My heart began to pick up its pace.

"My name is Anakin," he leaned towards me. "Anakin Skywalker. Pilot, Padawan, and mechanic."

"Pilot? Mechanic?" I tilted my head.

Anakin sat tall with pride, "yeah. I can fly just about anything, and fix just about anything. I built a droid, you know."

"Impressive." I had to admit, Anakin was very charming.

He opened his mouth, about to say something, when a Knight exited the Council Chamber. My turn.

I smiled at Anakin, "it was nice to have met you, Anakin."

He stood up, "but you never told me your name!"

Just as I was about to open the door I turned around and looked at Anakin. "We'll meet again. I have no doubt of it." And I meant it. I opened the door and walked into the Chamber, with my Master, Roland Argus.

I could barely hear Anakin say, "it was nice to meet you too," glumly outside the Chamber.

"(Y/L/N), Argus, it is good to see you," Mace Windu said from his chair.

"And to you," I bowed.

Master Argus smiled, "what has brought my apprentice here today, Master Windu?"

Mace let out a small laugh. This should be good. "Well, it's more for you. You see, Seperatists were found setting up a recon base on Yavin 4. The droid control ship is blocking our Jedi's signals on Endor."

"And you want... Me... To take down the base?" Master Argus furrowed his eyebrows.

Mace had a devilish smile on his face, "oh no, Master Argus. We want you to destroy the control ship."

"Take time on this, we should," Grand Master Yoda insisted.

Mace turned to the green alien, "we should take this as an opportunity to show the Jedi are in this war as much as the Republic. For the Republic. Democracy. If we get rid of the droids as soon as possible, we can get a chance to neutralize the forest moon."

"No time to waste, there is," Yoda started. "Agree with the decision, I do not."

"I will destroy the ship, Master Windu. When is my departure?" Master Argus asked.

Mace looked from Yoda, with disapproval on his face, back to my master, "you will leave tomorrow morning. (Y/N) will stay here. Good luck, and may the Force be with you." I wanted to argue that I go with, but decided not to.

"Thank you, Master Windu," Argus replied.

"Young (Y/L/N), nice to see you, it was," Yoda looked at me.

I smiled, "it was a pleasure to see you as well, Master Yoda." We walked out of the room, and I caught a glimpse of Anakin looking at me. I glanced over with a smile to acknowledge him. His smile widened.

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now