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3rd person POV

The sun is just peaking over the hills, and glistens off the lake. A rose covered arbor stands in view. Standing hand in hand, the two star crossed lovers declare their vows. Next to them, stands a Naboo holy man. In his hands, are the words of marriage.

As the holy man recites the ancient texts, the lovers gaze fixedly into each other's eyes.

The man raises his hands above their heads, as to bless the marriage. He then leaves the couple, to let them seal the deal with the act of true love. A kiss.

Anakin Skywalker leaned closer to the lips of his love, closing the gap with his own. He held them there, not ever wanting to stop.

As their lips part, they turn towards the sunset, and watch it till the end, as husband and wife.


Your POV

I lay next to Anakin. "I'm married," I whisper as I stare at the ceiling. After our wedding, we had dinner, and went to bed. Still so exhilarated of today's events, I lay eyes peeled wide open. My head turns to Anakin, who is sound asleep. "To the love of my life."


I open my eyes to find Anakin looking at me. "Hello, my wife," he smiles.

I yawn, "good morning, my husband."

"Forgive me for waking you," he apologizes. "You are just too beautiful not to look at."

I place my hand on his. "Why would I not like such a handsome man staring at me?" His smile grows wider.

"What would you like for breakfast?" He asks.

I furrow my eyebrows, "I'm not that hungry."

Anakin shrugs, "you know what?"


"Yesterday," he starts, "was the greatest day of my life."

A warm smile creeps up to my face, "you know when mine was?" Anakin shook his head, indicating no. "When I first met you."

Quickly, Anakin leaned closer to me, pecking me on the lips. "I felt something so, so strong between us. Love."

I squeeze his hand, "I can't believe I'm married." His smile grows even wider now. "And I don't even care about the Council."

"So," Anakin's eyes grew wide, "what you're saying is you're alright with all of this?"

"I wouldn't of married you if I wasn't," I laugh.

He traces old scars on my hand. A few moments pass until he speaks again, "what about children?"

My eyes widen, and I stare at him in shock. Realizing my pause, he looks back up to me, "you do not want children?"

"We can't keep that from the Council, Anakin." He looks back down at my hand, and resumes tracing. I've hurt him. Kids was what he wanted, and I couldn't give that to him. At least, not soon. "Someday, Anakin. Someday."

"What will their names be?"

I roll my eyes, "you're thinking of more than one?"

"Well," he smiles, "we will see what happens." He continues to trace scars from when Argus was still my teacher.


I fell back asleep due to the lack of rest the night before. When I wake, Anakin is no where to be found. The house is completely empty.

I sit in a chair, wondering where he is. Slightly perturbed, I fidget with my robes.

Anakin walks in, "oh, there you are."

"Here I am?" I asked, puzzled. "I should be asking you that."

"Please, my love, forgive me," his face saddens.

"Where were you, Anakin?"

Anakin smiles, and stands tall, "come here." I get up and walk over to him. He reaches in his pocket, and pulls out a necklace, not once looking away from my eyes. The string goes around my neck, and I study it. On the string, is a ring, that reads A. He hands me another one, and outstretches his neck. Realizing what he is wanting me to do, I place it around his neck. Anakin does as I did, and studies it. His reads (Y/F/I).

Anakin takes both of my hands and squeezes them, "for when we part, you will always have a piece of me, as I will have a piece of you."

I close the gap between us and lay my head on his shoulder, "Forever, I will love you, Anakin Skywalker."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now