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As I enter the council chambers, my anticipation rises. It was obvious I looked different, and if the Jedi were to send me on another mission, there was no way I could make up another excuse to stay. This was it: whether everything failed, or it somehow works.

"Hello," greeted Windu.

I bowed, "Master Windu." Looking around the room, I finally spot Anakin. He sat down in his chair like the rest of the council members, but he seemed deep in thought rather than interested in the meeting.

Mace leaned back in his chair and sighed, "we have had insider information reveal to us General Grevious's location. If this war is to end, or come any closer to it, we must kill him."

"And you want me to go and find him?" I guess based off what he had just told me.

Windu nods, "correct. His rumored location is the Utapau system. If we are to terminate him, you will need to leave tomorrow."

"Wait," Anakin interrupts, now focused in on what we are talking about. "We need (Y/L/N) here just in case there is another attack here on Coruscant."

"Then who do you suggest goes?" Kenobi steps in, furrowing his eyes at Anakin.

Yoda raises his hand, "go to the Utapau system, Kenobi will. End this war, we must." This causes Anakin to shift around in his chair. He shoots Obi-Wan a look of anger, but he doesn't see it.

Instead, he smiles, "it is an honor to be selected, master Yoda."

Just then, Von bursts through the door, "I'm sorry I'm late!" As he walks over to stand next to me, his shoulders fall and rise greatly with each deep breath.

"Where were you?" I ask under my breath, wondering how he would allow himself to either forget or put if off.

He kept his eyes on the council, "I was training with Gabriel." Of course, Gabriel. Basically he had stolen my Padawan. It was becoming ridiculous at this point how much he worked with him. And it wasn't like I didn't train Von, it's just whenever I asked he always said he was busy, most the time with Gabriel.

"Well then, this meeting is over," Mace concluded, eyeing Von. I bow, and exit the room, Von trailing close behind.

I spot Gabriel in the waiting room, his face lighting up when he sees me. "(Y/N)! I haven't seen you in a while!"

"Yeah," I mutter, not interested in a conversation with him right now. Just as I'm about to walk out, he grabs my hand, stopping me.

Anakin walks out, spotting the situation. "Get your hands off her," he demands.

"Oh gosh," I whisper, knowing what is going to happen.

Gabriel scolds, "why should I?"

"Because you'll regret it if you don't," Anakin threatens in a calm tone.

Surprisingly, Gabriel let's go, and begins to walk out of the waiting room. Before he does, he whispers in my ear, "don't trust him." Then he kisses my cheek softly and stomps away.

Von looks startled. "Did he just—"

I raise my hand, causing him to stop talking. Anakin looks down the hall with bewilderment. "I need to be alone."


As I sit in my room, I hear the door slide open. I sigh, keeping my eyes closed, thinking its Von. But when I open them, I see Anakin. His jaw his clenched and he is clearly irritated, with the council most likely.

"I said I wanted to be alone," I scoff.

Sitting down in front of me, Anakin keeps a straight face, "I wanted to be alone too. So why not spend it with you?" A small smile emits from his face, but when he realizes I am not smiling, he put his hand on top of mine. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"Whats wrong?" I repeat, looking at him with wide eyes. "Everything is, Anakin. Everything."


"No Anakin," I stop him. "The visions about Von . . . and then you! Every time you look at me you have this look as if it were the last you are going to see me. How many times, must I tell you, that I am not going anywhere? My mind cannot comprehend it."

Anakin shook his head stubbornly, as usual. "I worry because I love you. And if you aren't worried as much as I, then clearly you don't care. About our future. Our child."

Did he really just say that? Anger swells up in me and it takes all of my strength not to slap him. Taking my eyes off of him, I sputter, "how dare you accuse me of that? As if I don't care. If you actually believe that, then you don't know me." My gaze reaching his again, I say six words that I regret terribly, "then I shouldn't have married you."

"What?" Anakin asks, losing the color from his face. His eyes widen and he slumps back, looking as if he might puke. He shakes his head, "you don't mean that." But when I don't respond, he raises his voice, "you don't mean that!"

"I don't know," I admit, my voice faltering. "We took everything too, too fast Anakin. We should have waited until the war was over. Until we could leave so we could love openly, and not have as many issues as we do now."

Water dwells in his eyes. "So you regret all of this?" His gaze flickers from my face to my belly.

"I regret none of it Anakin," I turn away. "But there are many things I would have chosen to be different."

After moments of silence, I begin to believe that Anakin has simply shut down, not able to do a thing. But then he bursts, "I can save you, (Y/N)."

I shake my head, "Anakin-"

"Listen to me," Anakin pleaded. "Palpatine had offered me something absolutely amazing. He said he can share a power with me. A power that can keep the ones I love from . . . death."

Knowing that this had come from the chancellor himself, I shake my head furiously. "I will not fall into whatever he is trying to pull us into. We cannot trust him Anakin."

"Why would you say that?"

I gulp, finally deciding to tell him about the other day. "I had accused him of being of allegiance with the Separatists. He hadn't denied it, Anakin. All he did was threaten me. Say that I would regret my words."

"I don't believe it," Anakin said doubtfully.

"You do believe it, you just don't want to," I challenge, him looking at me with defeat. "Maybe we can ask Obi-Wan for help-"

"No," Anakin answered immediately. Almost too quick to react . . . "He will tell the council. And even if I considered his help, then we couldn't, because he has left to Utapau." His voice is laced with envy.

"And you don't like that he is going?" I query.

Anakin's eyes ablaze, "it should be me who is going. Who should be ending this war. Bringing peace, like the prophecy says."

"You cannot be all powerful."

"I should."

Living a Lie {Anakin Skywalker x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now